Who is the Most Dominant Zodiac Sign

What is dominance

Not all people obey rules and lead a peaceful life. There are dominant people among us who take risks, have capricious behavior or play a supportive role in someone else’s life. With specific goals and objectives, they make people follow them and the rules set by them.

Do you find yourself in the description or have you a friend like this?

Reading this article, you will find out what the most dominant signs are.

Read also: 4 coolest zodiac signs

Scorpio - the most dominant zodiac sign

While there is a list of dominant zodiac signs, the eight astrological sign, Scorpio, is commonly considered the most dominant zodiac sign. Known for passionate and assertive nature, Scorpio makes the most successful leader due to resolute determination and self-confidence.

Natives with this sign are sensitive and have super abilities to read people and use the gut feeling with its full potential.

Ambitions are at the first place for Scorpios, and they will go to great pains to achieve the goal. With a wish to be heard first, Scorpio natives seek attention wherever they are, and ignorance by people may ruin their life. On the other hand, they are not easily influenced by others and know how to stick to their true values.

With the help of some seductive methods and an appealing character, the most dominant zodiac sign uses charm for some needs and manipulates others in various ways.

Related: Top 3 romantic zodiac signs

The most dominant female zodiac signs

Let’s together find out those women who have the most dominant zodiac signs:


As a fire sign, Aries is famous for its intense personality and spontaneity in decision-making. Aries females play a dominant role in all circles since they make every possible effort to meet any requirement and reach the goal. In very important situations, Aries women are both the encouragement and stimulus. They are open to everyone, speaking up about their plans and expectations.


Leo women are dominant female zodiac signs. They always seek attention and warmth from others. They are all about boiling over if things are off their wish-list. Not only does the lioness dominate other zodiac signs but she also thinks about how to manipulate others. Born to be leaders and sit on the throne, Leo women are fiercely protective of their dearest. Most of them are sunny and big-hearted personalities who do their utmost or demand a luxurious life but at the same time behave themselves very generously to others.


Sagittarius women are dominant female zodiac signs, known for seeking freedom. Nothing and nobody in their life will make them live in a cage or be trapped in other people’s limitations. They want to be the controllers and when someone is found out to be controlling them, the dominance of female Sagittarians multiplies.

Since they love freedom and independence, they are addicted to travel. The world has no boundaries, and it is worth being discovered. In a relationship, a Sagittarius woman always faces problems, but they get solutions either with or without difficulties. Also, they stand for what is fair and speak things loudly whereas others keep silent and don’t get the pressure on themselves.

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Scorpio is the most dominant female zodiac sign. Scorpio females have their own opinions and are known for being unbiased. These women are dominating more than others, and one of the reasons is that they are very possessive. While we shed some light on Scorpions, we should state that they will hardly forgive your mistake and forget about it. They might act like the best Hollywood actress, but every detail will stay on their minds for an eternity. The most dominant female zodiac sign precisely knows what to long for and burns the candle at both ends.

The most dominant male zodiac signs

There are some dominant male zodiac signs native men of which are more powerful and dominant than others. Called alpha males, these strong and assertive personalities have one thing in common - take a controlling role over the subordinate partner and reach the goal by all means.


Strong and ambitious, Capricorn men are first of all noticed for their coldness. They are hardly found emotional since they choose a lifestyle full of difficulties for them. Failures in plans are not planned for them, and if there is unexpected change or force majeure, they are calm and confident as they have already generated new ideas and backup plans.


Aries alpha males don’t take into account people’s opinions which is why they are sometimes thought to be overconfident and conceited. More often than not, however, Aries men as other dominant male zodiac signs are perceived as the most inspiring people for others.


Their dominance and victories go hand in hand. Leo men don’t like to keep a secret especially if it is something that is worth speaking up about. That said, they always want to share their triumphant moments with other people.


The males with the most dominant zodiac sign like challenges very much as they get motivated due to difficulties. Scorpio is on the top of the list of dominant male zodiac signs. Dominating in all aspects of life, Scorpio men never give up and make their closest people be as brave as they are.

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