A Guide to Uranus in Cancer

Though problems are not permanent, life is full of them, and when a Uranus in Cancer personality faces an unexpected challenge, the gut feeling is the first thing that comes to help.

According to these people, they live as others. However, they don’t know that sometimes they are a step back from others, being traditional and conservative in their views and approaches.

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Uranus in any other sign supposes an active personality with unique traits, but this is not the case with Uranus in Cancer. However, it’s worth mentioning that they are extremely faithful friends and will leave no stone unturned to help a friend or family member. Loyalty is their strong side, and it’s more valuable than all gems in the world.

What is the meaning of Uranus in Cancer?

Although Uranus in Cancer people have some conservative views, creativity plays an important role in their lives. For the sake of uniqueness they are ready to generate originality and innovation.

As a punctilious person, Uranus in Cancer never misses anything. Such carefulness combines with infinite imagination and the result is success in all undertakings. Sure, a good friend should always be there for assistance and encouragement.

At times you will lose your mind finding Uranus in Cancer with a super ability of spontaneously-made decisions. It might be dangerous for them, but people do admire the people who don’t waste time and think and act actively. However, people with this placement often stop for a while and start analyzing their actions and measures taken.

Friendship is an inseparable part of their life, and the surrounding people always find the time spent together very enjoyable and make promising plans with Uranus in Cancer people. The lust for exploring the world and bringing innovations into life makes lots of others befriend them. However, their friends know that the period of getting closer may be long enough since Cancer Uranus wants to fully understand whether the person is trustable or not.

Being the planet of individuality, Cancer Uranus seeks independence and self-rule. People with this placement prefer violations and disobedience to living a peaceful yet unmeaningful life.

Read also: Uranus in Sagittarius

Negative traits

Uranus in Cancer personality traits include negative ones as well. For instance, they can be found overemotional in some situations with unexpected explosions of emotions. They are never ready to keep calm and stand by what is said or done, but they prefer to run away without realizing that their escape is worse than embracing the negative and trying to find way outs.

While trying to find a solution, Uranus in Cancer people have the wish to be at the wheel, and if there is no possibility to do so, despair and disappointment will visit them for some time.

Sometimes Uranus in Cancer people are not confident in communication. In their subconscious mind they know that very unexpectedly they may have an irrational behavior which won’t be perceived by others. This kind of behavior may give birth to negative vibes, suspicions, and even disgust.

On the other hand, it is very easy to depress a person with a Uranus in Cancer placement. A single word that has a negative connotation, unusual context or uncommon situation, and Uranus in Cancer people will go off the deep end.

Uranus in Cancer and Love

What does Uranus in Cancer mean as far as love is concerned?

Uranus in Cancer people perceive their spouses as the best partners in crime. This means they plot everything together, be it business or family life. Due to such a warm cooperation, their marriage is successful in most cases, and lots of people admire how harmonious their unity is.

Uranus in Cancer and Career

What does Uranus in Cancer mean as far as career is concerned?

While everything is so smooth in the couple’s life, the career of Uranus in Cancer people should be paid enough attention. They need to treat career life as something important and worth spending time on it. They should work hard in silence, and success will be their noise. Taking into account the feedback and advice by coworkers, Uranus in Cancer people will find out new abilities and skills that will open new doors for them.

Seeking some more guidance? Click here and our astrologers will give you insight into Uranus in Cancer meaning and your sign in astrology in general.


As you can see, the Uranus in Cancer meaning implies a unique combination of unstable emotions and very reliable personality traits. Being overemotional, they can care for their loved ones with the greatest devotion. It is obvious how they are able to change their approach and go through mood swings very often. However, having a changeable emotional field and a spontaneous way of thinking doesn’t make it difficult for them to change the world and bring light into people’s lives.