A Guide to Venus Square Neptune

Have you ever thought about deciphering your birth chart? If you have ever looked at it, you will definitely state how difficult it is to understand why this or that planet is here or there. You will also know what synastries are, and many other questions. The birth chart is complex, and the ongoing movement of planets makes it much more difficult to analyze it without an astrologer. However, understanding it may give you much information about your personality, relationships, and how to improve yourself and your life. Today, we will talk about one specific synastry: Venus square Neptune. If you are born having this synastry in your birth chart, you may notice some traits that make you stand out. Venus is a planet responsible for beauty, love, unrevealed desires, and a relationship with possession. On the other hand, Neptune is a planet that controls our fantasies, dreams, and how we try to enhance our lives through our imagination. These two points in your birth chart may emphasize some specific traits in you. Now you are welcome to read this guide to Venus square Neptune which will help you get some insights into some personality traits. Also, you will learn a lot about Venus Square Neptune Struggles and Venus Square Neptune Natal.

Venus Square Neptune Traits

Very often, astrologers describe this aspect as a "fairytale." This is mostly because people born with this aspect tend to create a self-image of themselves and others that often does not reflect reality. Venus Square Neptune natives have low self-esteem, which creates many problems while establishing relationships with others. Undeniably, self-love and self-respect are vital for creating a healthy self-image and relationships with others. Feeling unloved, victimized, and ostracized are common in Venus square Neptune traits. They think that they look different or weird in the eyes of others. However, this perception may often be wrong, and even if it is true, it may be because of the signals the natives of this aspect send to others. Therefore, it is important to highlight the importance of self-love once more. Since Neptune controls mirrors, screens, and films, natives may use mirror affirmations to achieve the desired level of self-confidence. Mirror affirmations such as being beautiful inside and out may lead to an increase in natives’ self-esteem. It may take some time and effort; however, the final result is worth it. You may start enjoying your life and the relationships you will create.

Having unrealistic expectations from others is also one of Venus's square Neptune traits. They are inclined to idealize the relationships distorting reality. Others may use this for granted, and make them vulnerable to disappointment. Turning blind to other flaws by idealizing them is another remarkable aspect in Venus Square Neptune traits. Unless they come off those rose-tinted glasses, thinking about creating healthy relationships with others is impossible. Being a daydreamer may result in many disappointments, which in its turn, can lead to depression. If people with Venus square Neptune traits do not make an effort to improve their lives, they may end up developing unhealthy eating habits, creating a distorted self-image, and getting addicted to alcohol, casino games, etc. So, only after understanding how important it is to love yourself Venus Square Neptune natives will be able to achieve harmony and satisfaction in their lives.

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Venus Square Neptune Struggles

Undoubtedly, this synastry is a difficult one making Venus square Neptune struggles real. Imagine the life of people who tend to criticize themselves while idealizing others. The insecurities created because of this unhealthy habit may seem impossible to overcome. Venus Square Neptune natives of this aspect are looking for love and affirmation from others, thus developing an unreal self-image. They cannot accept compliments about their appearance, considering them untrue. They never like the image they see in the mirror, embracing the perception that they do not deserve love, and this is probably the most complicated one among Venus Square Neptune Struggles. 

Although Venus Square Neptune struggles are real and dreadful, the natives also want to show their creative side. However, their distorted self-image often hinders them from achieving what they want; thus, Venus Square Neptune people become dependent on money and develop materialism.

Venus Square Neptune Natal

The natives of this aspect are quite vulnerable and sensitive. Their low self-confidence is evident in any relationship that they try to establish. Transit periods may stress those features. During that period, they feel unloved and unaccepted by others. They want to isolate themselves from the world to protect their susceptible personality. Over-idealizing others' positive traits and relationships with them are also typical to Venus square Neptune natal. If you feel that a period is approaching, it is not recommended to make snap decisions, especially those that may have a huge impact on your life. Venus Square Neptune natives are encouraged to work on their self-esteem through various techniques. However, creating a positive self-image is essential for a better life and career. Since the natives are inclined to overgeneralize what they see, it is important to believe what they see and what they are told and witnessed.

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