Leo Sun Aquarius Moon Traits

When coupled with the Aquarius Moon, the Leo Sun results in a fantastic personality who rejects everything that is within boundaries and wants to build a completely new world for everyone. This placement is a combination of the sun sign and the air sign. Accordingly, to get insights about it one should go deep into the characteristics of the sun and moon. While the sun symbolizes one’s identity and Leo in it embodies a person who has a zest to live the best life, the moon is about thinking about how to change the world for the better and Aquarius in it symbolizes the person who seeks freedom and justice.

Leo Sun Aquarius Moon Personality Traits

The combination of the Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon boasts a range of unique personality traits, specifically the strength of the lion and the volatility of the water-bearer. Read on and learn the most significant Leo Sun Aquarius Moon traits:

●     This Sun-Moon combination always strives to reach a goal through dedication, perseverance, and hard work. Having ambitions in mind, people with this placement show endless enthusiasm and robustness in everything they are involved in. At the same time, however, they know that keeping calm and being relaxed are of key importance both for themselves and for people who are close to them.

●     Sensitiveness is one of the Leo Sun Aquarius Moon traits. They are built more deeply and emotionally than others. Everything is processed by their brain very deeply which makes them overemotional and highly sensitive. If you define restrictions in the Leo Aquarius combination, you will see their destruction because of the necessity to be independent in decision-making.

●     Attractiveness and catchy behavior are from the list of Leo Sun Aquarius Moon traits. They know how to be useful to others and keep the joyful atmosphere that is why they are loved by everyone and in all kinds of circles of people.

●     They think differently and do things that no one has done before. To achieve growth they are ready to push the boundaries and make people think in a new way. They always come up with innovative ideas and spread the idea of innovation wherever they go.

●     The placement of Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon is always about someone who is mature and fully fledged in life. This means they regularly look for creativity and originality. Repetitions are not the architects of accomplishments in their case, and they believe a new day is a new chance to discover things that were unknown to everyone.

Leo Sun Aquarius Moon Strengths

Confident in their own abilities, Leo Sun Aquarius Moon people find the balance between ambitions and peaceful life. Though it is not easy to do, people with this pairing manage to set real goals for them and strive for their accomplishments. One of their main aims is to help and serve people who need their assistance. They will never close an eye on human values and rights of people are top priorities for them. They stand against cruelty, abuse, and injustice. This trait is one of the most obvious Leo Sun Aquarius Moon strengths.

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In their struggle against violations and unfair acts, Leo Sun Aquarius Moon always finds people of the same mind and habit. With their co-thinkers they become the pacesetters in the society and let a crowd of people follow their norms. It is remarkable that even if lots of people copy them, they will never imitate others or take their path. In their decisions they are unique and atypical in their approaches.

Read also: Ways to win over a Leo man

Besides, they make leaders in a group or society since they know how to impress others. Everybody envies their self-expression skills and self-confidence. As a woman, Leo Sun Aquarius Moon is always desired by men though sometimes it is hard to live together because of the discipline and principles of the female pairing.

If you need someone to help you with your relationships, if you need to learn more about Leo Sun Aquarius Moon strengths and Leo Sun Aquarius Moon struggles, turn to the best experts ever who are ready to help you 24/7. Find the best psychic online and get help from the best advisers.

Leo Sun Aquarius Moon Struggles

The independence of Leo Sun Aquarius Moon pairing can sometimes change into dependence in an exaggerated way. At times they are found extremely dependent on what people say or whether they approve or confirm something or not. The reason is that while being at the center of attention of a million people they need attention 24/7. When they don’t get enough attention, they get angry and start to fail. Feeling unheard or unnoticed may ruin them for a long time, and they will need much effort to pull themselves together.

It’s true about them that they are innovative, but they have a problem with deadlines, and it is one of the Leo Sun Aquarius Moon struggles. Sometimes they are not on time, and lose the game because they fail to meet all requirements. However, they continue to be proud which gets closer to conceit and egotism. They are not ready to accept that they were wrong or it was their fault and instead they confirm it once again and accept it as absolute truth.

Related: Best jobs for an Aquarius

The life of Leo Sun Aquarius moon can not be a smooth one, since this combination looks for a spouse or partner that will praise and love constantly. Plus, their freedom should not be limited. If their partner meets the following criteria, a happy life awaits them, and the family will admire the devotion and commitment of Leo Sun Aquarius Moon.

For Leo Sun Aquarius Moon we have more to offer, so feel free to go on exploring astrology, spirituality, and lifestyle topics at Avid Advice.