How to Stay Rooted and Start Thriving

There is a massive group of people that survive and remain alive in spite of the difficult life conditions. However, only a very small group of people believe that they are born to survive, since it is better to thrive and get as much from the world as possible. Time flies and if you don’t take effort to make your life prosperous, in the end you will end up without anything and anyone.

Instead of having such a finish scenario, you have a chance to change your life. In other words, start thriving with the help of staying rooted in your beliefs, strengths, and principles.

Why a rooted life is highly valued

What’s the anchorage of the plant on which the whole plant rests?

You are right, roots have a crucial role in absorbing nutrients from soil, reserving them functioning as a storage, and transporting necessary elements to the stem. For this basic knowledge you don’t need to be a gardener or botanist. So, it is obvious that a plant suffers when its roots are weak or damaged.

As humans, we must live a deeply rooted life so we can withstand the hindrances and obstacles that regularly appear in our lives. To stay rooted means you have an inclusive approach to everything that matters not only for ourselves but also for everyone around us, we eliminate the risk of making mistakes.

So, how to live a rooted life, or if your life is already rooted how to stay rooted? Keep on reading and the article will shed light on the possible methods of having a prosperous life by means of staying rooted in beliefs and viewpoints.

Related: Tips to live a relaxed life

Grow in your faith

Growing in your faith will help you stay rooted. This means you have to recognize God’s voice by finding time for praying, listening to sermons at church, reading the Bible and so on. This way your inner strength is empowered and you start thriving

Thriving starts at the moment you begin making correct decisions denying the way of the world, but following what God says. It’s the moment you understand you shouldn’t be tempted by sweet-talk and dangerous situations.

Change your mindset

People sometimes pursue new goals, but soon their enthusiasm comes to an end point leaving space for desperation and blankness. Did you find yourself in these words? If yes, you too have the problem of cultivating a new mindset. It means you need to embrace change with some inner work.

It is better to stop and reflect for a while rather than continue to follow untrustworthy norms and live an unfulfilled life. Take action without hesitation and waste of time.

●     Set your priorities

●     Outline your core values

●     Figure out what really makes you happy both in relationship and career

Read this next: How to create more margin in your life

Commit yourself to finding the purpose of your life

The moment you put a deadline on your dream, it becomes a goal. Now when you have already set your goals and priorities, you need to elaborate on your new ventures, that is to say, you should concentrate on your purposes. Paying much attention to your purposes will help you stay rooted in your viewpoints whenever there is a drawback on your way threatening to ruin you and your life. Soon you’ll have a new life and you’ll start thriving day by day.

Remember you are not a robot with artificial intelligence, but you are a homo sapiens who has to live a meaningful life that is composed of adventures, pitfalls, happiness, glory, etc. If you have a solid knowledge on what you need to achieve, you will certainly shine and progress. So, long for understanding your mission in life and function accordingly. Set your goals high and do not stop till you get there.

Stand up to problems

To stop surviving is equal to starting to face problems with a smile to some extent. You need to let go of anything that hinders you from reaching your destination. Gloomy mood, feelings of dissatisfaction, discomfort, negative thoughts, lack of safety, etc. - they pull you down from your dreams and keep you far from success. You deserve harmony, tranquility and joy, and you should look for them if your goal is to stay rooted and start thriving.

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Being rooted and staying rooted are about realizing on what you are based and what you are about to do. It is rare that you will be ruined when you feel the most comfortable feeling of being rooted. Your mind and soul are powerful and the chances of someone ruining you are close to zero. Such an approach will make you eventually go for changes and get what has been dreamt for a long time, and that is what we call start thriving. After making changes, you will be ready to find the most important things that drive you in the world and they will help you stay rooted and live your best life.