How to Feel Less Tired and More Alert during the Day

Do you usually feel like a potato that has been just mashed? It’s time to resist tiredness and fatigue. No matter if you are a youngster or pensioner, you should fill your day with liveliness, excitement, and energy. Here are some self-care tips to be active and alert during the day.

Get enough sleep

To be alert throughout the day, you need to sleep well. Some tips can help you sleep better at night. First of all you should go to bed and get up at the same time every morning. Secondly, for a deep sleep try to avoid short sleeps and naps in the daytime. Finally, don’t be very active during the day and instead make time to get rest and then only go to bed.

Reduce the level of stress

Did you know that you lose energy when you are stressed? The emotional strain or mental tension uses up too much energy. However, if you are in a stressful situation, try to introduce calm and relaxing activities into your day. For instance, listen to your favorite music, read an interesting book, workout at the gym or practice yoga. These activities will boost your energy and reduce the level of stress. As a consequence, you’ll feel alert and be active.

Stay active


The more active you are, the less tired you will be later, or at least you may feel so.  Laughter and fun time will guarantee a quality time that is ready to keep you alert and energetic. You may be surprised but even a small image change, or experiencing a new outdoor activity can help you feel active and vigorous. Try a new restaurant, call a friend, watch a funny movie, or find some romantic time for the both of you.


Reduce the intake of caffeine and alcohol


Your tiredness can be the consequence of too much caffeine or alcohol. So to feel more energetic you will need to cut on them. Gradually stop drinking coffee, tea, coke, energetic drinks, etc. Also, reduce the intake of alcohol before bedtime. Even if you think a glass of wine or whisky will help you sleep better, the next day you will have a difficult, sleepy start and feel more tired.

Drink much water

Some people do not drink enough water which leads to dehydration. Your tiredness, sleepiness, and fatigue can be the direct consequence of dehydration. One of the self-help tips to be alert and energetic during the day is to regulate the daily water intake. Drink a glass of water before morning tea, coffee, and each meal. Also, do not forget to stay hydrated during your workout by sipping small amounts of water.


Feeling weary and exhausted all day long speaks of health issues. Also, it may be the consequence of wrong lifestyle habits. With time you may give up controlling your tiredness. Turning to the doctor for a consultation or medical treatment is not always a good idea. In the beginning, you need to restore your energy levels and make some changes. The following article with its self-improvement tips will be of great help.