4 Tips to Forget about Perfectionism

How to break free from the pressure of perfectionism? Why do we prefer going deep into details and annoying ourselves over designing a happy life?

Perfectionists are never or quite rarely satisfied with what they have or what they achieved because they always aim at performing exceptionally, continuously striving for high and unachievable standards.

Here are 4 tips on how to let go of perfectionism, and we advise you to read and think about the way you live. The article is especially useful for those who acknowledge that they are judgmental, critical, or picky.

If you find yourself fed up with your picky and judgmental behavior read this.

Attention, under the word this insert the link for the article 192- How to Be Less Judgmental to People

1. Set realistic and attainable standards

Do you know the reason for meeting perfectionism in your way? It is because of the bars set extremely high for yourself while accomplishing a certain goal. Soon some mighty goals may seem unfeasible, out-of-the way and spine-chilling, and gradually you will start to hesitate whether to get started for the fear of facing challenges and failing many times before coming to the destination.

So number one advice we are ready to share with you is assessing the situation, preconditions, various factors, and important circumstances that are within your reach. You should examine your goal thoroughly, consider your aspirations, and go ahead confidently. Setting achievable goals in front of you is better as you will reach them easily which in its turn will boost your self-confidence. This will be a reasonable solution to give up perfectionism.

2. Get over the fear

Most of the time the pressure to do your task perfectly derives from fears, the feeling of failure and insecurity. Indeed, your perfectionism sometimes doesn’t have anything in common with being perfect and flawless.

Now if you already know that your perfectionism is closely connected with fear, you should take proper measures and overcome it. Instead of doing your utmost to be in tune with high standards and provide the best quality, try to consider everything in perspective. Instead of pushing too much, do what you are able to do since using your full potential is not mandatory and even it can be disastrous sometimes. As soon as you get over the fear of making a mistake or going after some people, you’ll unconsciously improve your way of working and its quality.

3. Practice self-compassion

Perfectionists are highly harsh with themselves, and they are critical of even small mistakes. This adversely affects their work performance, making them even more frustrated. Perfectionists are generally rude and cruel to themselves, they panic even for tiny problems and small errors. Such a psychological state cannot but influence your productivity, decreasing the quality of your work performance in the end. When you notice that your work doesn’t show the desired result, you get irritated and down-hearted. That is why it is of highly importance to practice self-compassion, be kind to you and don’t torture yourself with insignificant and idle things. Being kind to yourself is the same as you are kind to others. It stands in the roots of your self-esteem and self-belief. 

Remember that you are not ideal and should be restricted because of some limitations around you. Also, listen to the angel and not the devil, living in your heart, encourage yourself, be patient and tolerant. No one is perfect, and everyone can make a mistake. Don’t worry too much, figure out the problem and keep calm.

This is not the first time we discuss self-compassion, and you can read more about it here.

A word from Avid

Perfectionism has a positive connotation until it is practiced to a moderate degree. You benefit it, if you unravel your potential and use all your capabilities. But if you suddenly go too far with it, perfectionism can be your true obstacle while trying to succeed in anything.  

Our advice is make a lot of effort to do something, do it with pleasure and don’t take time to focus on the tiny problems as they are not as important as you believe them to be. Always keep in mind that you are perfect with your imperfections.

Don’t hesitate to give us a call or text us if you find it difficult to ditch the perfectionism from your mind. We are ready to always help you.