A Guide on Making A Good First Impression

As the old saying goes, you never get the second chance to make the first impression. In addition, it is more difficult to change a poor opinion later than to make a positive and good first impression. 

For the first impression, you have only milliseconds, that is to say, you must be accurate, with proper behavior, dress code, facial expression, gestures, etc. to let others think that you are a good person to communicate and go on interacting with you. Though the first impression is not-always-accurate opinion, it is significant as it lasts for long, win’s hearts or destroys the newly born relationship.

Read on to discover our tips on how to make a good impression and build strong and positive acquaintanceship. 

Smile warmly

Smile is the first noticeable thing on one’s face. That simple curve sets everything straight and beautiful. Most importantly, you should smile not from the lips but from your heart. It will show kindness and happiness, dwelling in your soul. Smiling someone you meet, you not only feel relaxed, but also you show your warmth and readiness to spend minutes or hours with pleasure. Smile is important for a lasting impression.

Compliment Others

When you interact with someone and notice something remarkable by chance, don’t pass by. Say it loud and let people know what you think and appreciate. A warm wish or some sweet words can melt their hearts. There is nothing more pleasant for a person than knowing that they made a good impression and won your attention. So, you tell them the truth, which is so amazing, and by complimenting others, you benefit from making the best impression ever.

It goes without saying that there is no sense in saying the following: “ Oh, you gained extra kilos?”, “Why do you look so miserable today?”, “What’s wrong with your hair?”, “OMG, you have the gloomiest face ever.”

Make eye contact

Avoiding eye-contact is a sign that you are uncomfortable in the situation. Therefore you may be perceived as arrogant or unfriendly. Meanwhile, if you meet someone for the first time, showing curiosity and openness, most likely you will win your new acquaintance’s heart. So, let your eyes control your talking, they will tell people that you are glad for the meeting. Finally, your sparkling eyes will evoke interest and respect.

Be genuine

Avid specialists are convinced that you will never gain anything if you pretend to be what you are not. Fake acts and fake people are noticed quickly. Don’t play a game, do not falsify something, be as genuine as it’s possible since everyone values transparency and trust authenticity in people. You don’t need to pretend to be rich, beautiful or something else. Just show your genuine self and don’t conceal the traits that distinguish you from others. Concentrate on your strong points and advantages, try to highlight their importance and necessity in your life and introduce yourself as a natural person. People will definitely love the way you live and interact with them.

In Conclusion

Watch out for your manners as the first impression can be the final impression.

When you have only one chance to meet a person, making a good impression becomes a must. Though the stakes can be high, even a single mistake cannot be affordable. The first impression is not only about how people see you but also how you present yourself. Presenting yourself includes smiling and complimenting others, giving eye contact and being genuine. All within the first seconds is what matters, and if you follow our tips, you will make a good and memorable first impression.

Dr.Fia Johansson is ready to help you establish firm and successful relationships if you find yourself less sociable and problematic in communications.