7 Worst Things to Discuss on a First Date

The first date is actually easier than it sounds. This is not a test and not an only chance to be with the one you want. You just have to smile, be yourself and avoid some topics for conversation in order to show up in the best way, succeed and enjoy spending time together.


1. Avoid Negativity


Don’t bring your bad mood to a first date. When you talk about your horrible day at work, about the exhausting week you’ve had, you definitely change the atmosphere, the attitude towards you and your date will pick up on your negativity and begin to feel upset as well.


In fact we go on a date to explore a new relationship, we should be excited to discover all of the awesome things about the person and what we share in common with them.


2. Don’t Talk About Your Insecurities


All of us have things we don’t like about ourselves, but first date is not the place to speak up.


He/she is already attracted to you. That’s obvious because he/she came on the date. No one wastes time on dating someone they’re not attracted to.


You think you’re not attractive, but he/she does, so it’s not the right time to blow it for him/her by discussing why you don’t like your body.

You are a prize. Let the world continue to believe it.


3. Don’t Talk About Money


Talking about your job, your trips, and your hobbies will reveal whether you have discretionary income and tell you something about your partner’s lifestyle.


Any direct questions such as “How much do you earn?” is a very bad idea. People don’t want to feel that they’re being assessed as a potential business partner.


4. Avoid Discussing Why he/she is Still Single


Asking why she/he is single is the worst question to ask on a first date. Be glad you have a chance to build a long-term relationship with her/him.


There is nothing wrong to be single. One might have been studying or making career, and didn't have time for building relationship or maybe hasn't met the perfect match yet.

Just imagine you suppose you’re sitting in front of your destiny and then you are asked, You're so attractive. Why are you still single? It's an epic fail!


5. Don’t Talk About Your Ex


All of us have a relationship left in past, so there is no need to talk about your relationship history starting from your first kiss up to most recent one. Your ex should be left in the past and nowhere near the present while you're trying to start a new relationship.

Don’t bring end up feelings or memories to present. This will always be a weird topic, even if you've been dating for a while.


The way you speak about others doesn't reflect them, so keep it light and talk about anyone else.


6. Conversations About Marriage

Usually people date with the intention of falling in love and getting married.

However, you've just met the person, don't scare them away by telling them what time of the year you want to have your wedding! This is the type of thing you talk about with a partner when both of you are ready, not with someone you've just met.

7. Avoid Talking Only About Yourself


First date is the moment when both of you talk and get to know each other. If you only talk about yourself, without giving a chance to share her/his stories, it is not a date. It’s a speech. It’s not a presentation of how perfect you are. 


Give your date the opportunity to discover it alone.



Jessica Miller