The Importance of Sex in a Couple Life

Sex gives birth to individual benefits both for you and your partner. It supports a healthy relationship in many ways. The article breaks down the most essential benefits that can be achieved having a regular sex and a healthy couple life.

  • 1. Provides calmness and happiness

  • During sex, endorphins are realesed lowering the feelings of depression and increasing happiness. Also, the famous “hug drug” hormone, oxytocin contributes to the sense of content, pleasure, and calmness. 

  • 2. Boosts self-image

  • Another psychological benefit to lovemaking is the high level of self-esteem. Sex fosters the feeling of security and makes your vision of future better.

  • 3. Improves sleep

  • Besides emotional health, sex is good for relaxation. For a peaceful and stress-free day you need to have a night full of sleep and rest. Hormone prolactin is responsible for a quality sleep, and the study shows that it can be released as a result of orgasm.

  • 4. Enhances immune system

  • Circulating in your body, the release of cortisol reduces the inflammatory procedures and rebalances the immune system. Besides the positive impact on it, there is a study showing that you are less likely to get a flu or cold if you have regular sex.

  • 5. Promotes weight loss and makes you fit

  • Another good perk is that sex, lasting 30 minutes, helps you burn about 200 calories. So if you are eager to lose your weight, start realizing the importance of sex in your relationship with a partner. Also, scientists say that sexual intercourse is equal to physical activities. So, for your better health, sex is always highly recommended.

  • There are numerous physical benefits to sexual activeness. There is no better time for a couple to reap the advantages and make intercourse something recurrent. The article is about sex that reduces back pain, migraine, the possibility of cardiac health problems, improves skin quality, teeth health, digestion, etc.