How to Phrase Your Love Tarot Reading Questions

Keep your mind open and don’t get your hopes up when asking Tarot about love


- If you don’t think you can be objective about the situation you are asking your Tarot cards about yet, you might not be ready to conduct your own card reading. The outside perspective of a professional Tarot reader might be more helpful in that case.


- When you pursue a card reading to gain clarity, you might get more than you asked for, especially regarding self-improvement. Typically, you will get more helpful guidance if you ask about things that you have control over rather than things dependent on other people. For example, ask not what love can do for you, but ask what you can do for love.


- Open questions usually give the Tarot cards more room to communicate. However, closed questions that can be answered by “yes” or “no” might be helpful in some cases, for example, if you are just looking for confirmation on a message you already have from your intuition.


- When you ask a question as a basis for a love Tarot reading, pay attention to the words you use in your question.


- How you phrase something marks your intention to invest in it actively. Tarot cards do what you tell them to do, not what you meant for them to do.


The questions mentioned above may help you form your question correctly before asking it


-Why do I keep thinking about my ex?

-In what way have my relationships made me stronger?

-What is next to come in my love life?

-What can I do to attract my ultimate life partner?


Tarot will always be useful to improve your love life. You can ask how to find the right man for you or how to improve the relationship you already have. Tarot cards will also guide you if you want to separate from your partner or if you want your ex back. The most important thing is that you know what questions are whose answers will guide you to make the right decision, to improve your current love life.