Some people sometimes get confused by different names such as clairvoyant, medium, or psychic. Are all of them the same or they have completely different talents? If you think you lack a clear-cut understanding of what psychics and clairvoyants do, read this article.

To understand the main difference between a psychic and a clairvoyant, you need to correctly define them first.

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What is a Clairvoyant?

By definition to be clairvoyant is to claim that you have a supernatural ability to feel events in someone’s life. With the help of well-developed extrasensory perception, these people gain information about a person, an object, or something else. The word clairvoyant has a French origin, which literally means to clearly see and perceive images in the mind. Clairvoyants relate to an image from the present, and it has nothing to do with predicting the future. The images that come to their eyes are sometimes interpreted or clarified by psychics.

What is a Psychic?

Derived from the Greek language, the word psyche stands for the human soul or spirit. The psychic is someone who passes the received information in such a way that can’t be clarified. Without giving some information in advance, psychics can easily connect with another person’s soul. They have the ability to predict the future by channeling someone’s past and present life events. This all comes true since they are gifted with the talent to go into someone’s aura and feel the energy dwelling there.

The energy field or aura is typical to everybody. Composed of different layers, the aura is the group of emotional elements of an individual. Except for the aura, psychics have intuition that makes them believe that something is true even if there are not enough facts or reasons.

Related: Tips for preparing for a psychic reading

What’s the difference?

When we talk about the difference between a psychic and a clairvoyant, we should state that a psychic and a clairvoyant have several things in common. They both use each other’s help and lean on their abilities. While a psychic turns to a clairvoyant for some reasons, clairvoyance can be based on the psychic's abilities. One thing should be kept in mind: events in the present are visualized by a clairvoyant, while the future is predicted by a psychic who has the ability to bridge the past and the present.

Now as the two terms are defined, we offer you to discuss their main difference between a psychic and a clairvoyant. Even if they both know there are no facts or logic, a psychic and a clairvoyant insist on having information about something that is worth knowing. Yeap, it’s about powerful instincts or the gut feeling or the strongest feeling ever that makes you believe that something is true for a hundred percent. With their intuition, psychics and clairvoyants know quite well what goes on and what will come next.

Have you ever felt that your dreams have come true? This means you have the abilities of clairvoyance, and if you pay enough attention to this, images will start to flow through your mind by being visualized without much effort.

Am I Clairvoyant?

If you have the ability to gain information through various details such as colors or dreams, you are a clairvoyant. These details, especially the ones related to dreams, may seem to you as if they are some episodes of daydreaming or the outcome because of bright imagination.

Clairvoyance is closely connected with having visual senses. You know perfectly what will happen at the end and you tell others that you feel something strange. A clairvoyant always solves puzzles very well and sees such things as things that really matter but lots of people pass by. Now you know the difference between a psychic and a clairvoyant.

What are psychic readings for?

For some people a psychic reading can have a great impact on their lives. The reading can reveal lots of important things informing you or warning about the danger.

Read also: How to awaken your psychic abilities

Psychics don’t know anything about you and your life, and all they do is to use their talent and unravel your energy. As soon as your concealed energy field is revealed, you will get what you need from the reading.

Hopefully, with the help of this article you got new insights on the difference between a psychic and a clairvoyant.

TarotFairuza Shekayaan