5 Ways to Become Irresistible


It’s hard to detach from the heavy love energies that arise during February. Our hearts are heightened and our frequencies are raised to connect with old or new loves. Not only do we crave attention, but we want to dish it out, too! And for this, we want and need to be irresisteble.

On our search for this kind of companionship, one struggle seems to be a common thread: insecurity. Our insecurities bog us down and keep us from being our most confident selves. Attracting love, affection, and attention isn’t always an easy task, but it’s made even more difficult when our insecurities get in the way of achieving these desires.

So, are you’re looking to make yourself more appealing? We are sharing 5 ways that will help you do the work you need to become utterly irresistble to people around you!

1. Live & Breathe Authenticity
If you tend to follow others and suppress your true nature, it will be difficult to attract that irresistible love energy. Always be your true self, stand up for what you believe in, and do what makes you happy! When you take strides to live your life authentically, people all around you will notice and seek out your energy. They will never be attracted to the personality you have invented, so why bother.

2. Let Go of Your Past Traumas
If you don’t let go of your past, you won’t be able to attract irresistible love energy. Past baggage and pain will keep you in a dark and negative space — you need to work to escape this! Just think about: If you are angry, negative, and full of resentment, what kind of person do you think you’ll attract? The answer is simple: You will attract an angry, negative, and resentful person! Therefore, it’s time to let go of your past to attract better relationships.

3. Practice Self-Love!
If you don’t love yourself, what makes you think someone else can? Start by taking care of yourself and know that we’re referring to your total well-being, otherwise known as your mind, body, and spirit! The goal is not to strive for perfection, as no one is perfect. However, your goal is to reach a state of self-love. Love your flaws because they make you who you are, but strive to grow too.

4. Let the Love Flow From Your Mind to Your Heart
Keep an open mind when people enter your life. If you want to attract better relationships, know that the perfect person for you isn’t perfect. You also need to know that they may not be who you’ve envisioned for yourself. They may even be someone you aren’t immediately attracted to or some you just consider to be a friend too. However, it’s a good idea to be open to everyone whether they’re a coworker or the person your best friend wants to set you up with. Keep in mind that not everyone is going to be your ideal mate.

5. Be Free

Don’t live by the rules of others. Think for yourself and seek out the passions that make YOU feel fulfilled, aroused, and happy. There is no one formula for how to approach relationships, but they don’t always follow a singular timeline. Don’t worry about the milestones that others set or seek to attain. Being free means truly following your own heart’s desires. This will heighten your happiness, which in turn will heighten your confidence. A happy, confident soul is the ultimate sexy, most irresisteble thing there is to another person.

Being in love is a life experience that everyone deserves. Whether you’re looking for your soulmate or wondering how to keep the romantic fires burning in your relationship, a love psychic can help. They want to see you happy and a psychic love reading is all you need to find or keep the love that is meant for you.