Zodiac Sign Man/Woman Compatibility

We all ask various questions to find that special someone in our lives, you can turn to the stars to get answers. Whether astrology is a real thing or not, many people swear by it, or are at least curious about how it works.

Aries - Aquarius

Aries will never feel dull with Aquarius, it makes their relationship extremely exciting. Both signs are adventurous, so they're always up for anything in and out of the bedroom. They enjoy trying new things and make sure to have a good time in the process. They especially love doing things together as a team. While other couples might grow tired of one another, these two stay strong and always enjoy being in each other's company.


Taurus – Cancer

These zodiac signs work well with one another because they hold a connection both physically and emotionally. They understand each other inside and out.

There's also a great appreciation for one another, as both signs value who the other is and what they have to offer. This couple is powerful because they each know how to complement the other with ease, making for a long lasting love that's hard to come by.


Gemini - Aquarius

A Gemini and Aquarius have a crazy mental and emotional connection. They get each other to the fullest, like they have known one another for years even if it's only been months or weeks. These two signs are also big on creativity and ideas. 

They enjoy spending as much time together as possible, they also enjoy their independence, but this doesn't seem to bother the relationship, since they both understand the importance of spending time apart to make the heart grow fonder.


Cancer and Pisces

These two work well together because each one knows just who the other is and they are proud of that. To make things even better, they have very compatible individual traits that work well together. Pisces is all about connection with others, while Cancer is devoted to those around them. That allows the two to work well. They have a deep, mental connection that isn't can’t be  taken away.


 Leo – Sagittarius

Leo and Sagittarius both are passionate, as both signs enjoy life and love. They are both passionate about what they want out of this world and extremely encouraging in helping the other achieve any goal or dream. 

Both are fire signs and have a strong understanding of the other, which helps them to get along so easily. This is the couple everyone enjoys being around them. The passion these two signs have for life, love, and each other is incredibly intoxicating.


Virgo – Taurus

As both are earth signs, their relationship is cool, calm and collected. These two zodiac signs are also honest and sincere, which makes them incredible people to get close to, especially in a serious, long-term relationship. 

You won't find two other signs as devoted to each other as Virgo and Taurus. They not only have a lot of integrity, but they also have the same characteristics and values. This allows them to truly understand one another.


Libra – Gemini

A relationship between Libra and Gemini is all about a strong intellectual connection. Both are air signs and deep into mental stimulation. The mind is a very interesting and sexy thing to them, and they enjoy learning more about it as time goes on.

These signs also provide a great understanding and appreciation for the other, which makes them an excellent match. A couple like this enjoys keeping the peace within their relationship by offering friendship, knowledge, and understanding to one another.


Scorpio – Cancer

If one person is a Scorpio and the other is a Cancer, it can be perfect. These two water signs are intense when it comes to emotions, but that only seems to make them even more compatible. 

They're also deeply devoted to one another and provide a terrific support system. Both share very similar morals and are caring toward each other and those around them.


Sagittarius – Aries

Sagittarius and Aries are both fire signs and they have insane amounts of energy to bring into the relationship, which only grows stronger as it continues to blossom, and they both appreciate each other's wild enthusiasm for the other person and life around them.

These signs show that being more alike can bring you even closer. This is a couple that can power through anything life throws their way, and they will do it together with some serious pep in their step.


Capricorn – Taurus

Capricorn and Taurus have something most only dream about, endless adoration. These two will be together forever and actually enjoy one another's company to the end. The reason their bond is so tight is because they hold the sincerest respect and love for each other that only true soul mates can offer.


Aquarius - Gemini

Aquarius and Gemini are air signs that have strong psychological connection. And it goes deep, like finishing each other's sentences. Their relationship is mystical . After all, only they know what's going on in their heads, and each other's. They get what works for them and don't care that others might not see it. Both of these signs have a strong sense of individuality, but they don't let it hurt their relationship. In fact, it only strengthens it.


Pisces – Scorpio

Another pair that's very intuitive to one another is Pisces and Scorpio. These two zodiac signs can get into each other's minds and know what they are thinking almost as well as if they were thinking it themselves. But they aren't just into intellect; they both have a hunger to understand the other's body and soul and learn what makes the other person tick.

They want to know everything about the other because they hold such a high respect for the other sign. The passion is sky-high with this couple, and they aren't afraid of being romantic, no matter how mushy and over-the-top.

Jessica Miller