5 Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Unfortunately, human beings aren't perfect, and that is nothing new. Therefore, it is expected that our relationships also couldn't be ideal. The point is being not ideal doesn't mean being an abuser or tolerating toxic relationships.

With the above in mind, let’s examine toxic relationship red flags if you are in a need of defining them.

Emotional Dependency

Normally, emotional dependency is a result of the lack of self-esteem from childhood. Regrettably, as an adult, you tolerate a disrespectful attitude, allow to cease your self-esteem and feel like no one would willingly meet your needs.

That all is because of thinking that you don't deserve someone better than your partner is.

The good news is that impression is deceptive and leads to a dead-end.

You need to practice your independence in order to develop it. 

 Constant Feelings of Guilt

If you are in a toxic relationship, you certainly feel unsupported and misunderstood. You may be convinced by your toxic partner that you are to blame for everything and you are always wrong.

The question is guilt induction is the most common form of control. Nevertheless, you already know that manipulative tool and can easily prevent such an approach towards you.


Controlling Manners

No doubt controlling behaviors are typical for toxic individuals. So, if you believe those manners could disappear, I have to disillusion you.

The reality is they will become more and more distrustful and dangerous as time goes on. Just think, how could you allow yourself to be ruled too long?

Endless Excuses

Giving the benefit of the doubt is a human gesture. Although you must not permit it to damage your mental health. Stop making excuses for the abuser. If you aren't treated with respect, love, and empathy, you need to take courage not to continue a given relationship. 

One-Sided Steps

Relationships require effort, and that is absolute. But what if those actions are unilateral?

The signs of this pattern are constant cases like you give more than you are getting, also you feel a lasting lack of support and ingratitude, indeed.

It is time to appreciate your struggles and act when you will really notice a win-win perspective. 


It's worth reminding ourselves that the mess in front of us was partly made ourselves, after all. Truthfully, it is not an easy thing to get along with people around us: just a few of us have had education on how to treat others.

Maybe this is the exact time to define what kind of conflicts we have had during communications we fail.

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