20 Questions to Ask a Medium

There comes a moment in people’s lives when they need to turn to the help of spiritual guides such as psychics, psychic advisors, clairvoyants, and mediums. Of all of them, mediums are the least understood guides. What is the reason and why?

First, a medium has the ability to connect with those who have passed away. The temporary bond they establish between the deceased and the alive is kind of scary. Some people will never dare to ask the medium to bridge the physical and spiritual worlds.

While psychics use their logic and interpret what they see or imagine decoding the words, feelings, or images, mediums never rely on their logic. Nor do they apply astrological strategies or Tarot readings. What mediums do is believe their intuition as much as they can so that it will be possible to communicate with the deceased and get the desired information through either images or words. Each of them has a unique way of communication, however they all have something in common - the methods to talk to the deceased and get messages.

Preparing For Your Psychic Reading

Before talking about the hot point, it is recommended that the participant has done all the preparations and is ready to have a reading. It’s good to prepare mentally and spiritually, and then only you can think about making a list of the questions to ask a medium. The list will help you be specific and concrete with your medium without missing a question. Read and find out what questions to ask a medium.

Read also: Best questions to ask during a psychic reading

Tips for asking good questions

  1. Realize or define for yourself what you want to know.

  2. Ask open questions in most cases.

  3. Ask follow-up questions to dig deeper.

  4. Take control of your emotions and reactions.

  5. Don’t ask yes/no questions.

  6. Don’t change the flow during the reading. Be consistent.

  7. Don’t be afraid of asking questions.

  8. Prefer short questions over long ones.

  9. Keep the little mystery in the questions.

There is no limit to the questions that you can ask during your session. All questions relate to an aspect of your life and there is no sense mixing them during a session with a medium.

●     Love

●     Relationships

●     Success

●     Career

However, don’t limit yourself to an aspect and if you want to reveal more, book another session with your medium and go on discovering interesting details. Once again make a list and know beforehand what questions to ask a medium.

List Of Questions To Ask A Medium

  1. What do they want to tell me?

  2. According to them, how can I make it come true?

  3. I’ve got a question I didn’t ask them before. Now I want to get the response. How can we get it? 

  4. Are they happy with my career choice?

  5. What is their opinion of what I do in my personal life?

  6. What is their advice for the situation I’m in?

  7. Do they feel happy for me or are they still angry and dissatisfied with me?

  8. Will they be happy when I move on with my life?

  9. If they are with me, how can I learn about them? Can you tell me the signs of their presence?

  10. Are there important yet hidden things and secrets they want me to know?

  11. Whom I can consider my guiding spirits?

  12. How can I often communicate with my guiding spirits?

  13. How do they assess my present events and life changes?

  14. What do they think or predict about my future?

  15. How is my deceased friend/ parent/ spouse/pet? Is everything OK with them?

  16. Do they have a piece of advice for me?

  17. Do they believe that I don’t live my best life?

  18. Why is the deceased always present in my dreams?

  19. Why don’t I see the deceased in my dreams? Why don’t they come?

  20.  After losing them quite unexpectedly I want to say some untold words and goodbye. How can I talk to them for the last time?

Read also: What you need to know about mediumship

Why be wise and ask smart questions?

Asking powerful questions to your psychic reader will bring forward more powerful answers. The power of each unique psychic reading is not the same; it all depends on the questions asked. If you enter with small questions, then the answers may be small in return. Creating a list of great questions to ask a medium is essential to an experience that will both be beneficial and eye-opening at the same time.

What do you think you need to be clever enough to ask smart questions? The answer is that the more powerful your questions are, the better your results-answers will be. Not all readings are the same, and also, not all the readers read the same way, and it all depends on the questions you ask.
Hurry up to organize your reading with the masterminds on Avid Advice. Psychic advisors like Dr. Fia Johansson are talented and knowledgeable readers online, ready to help you find answers to questions that are so important to you. Before getting your reading, don’t forget to make a list of questions to ask a medium.