Isn’t the idea of dating a friend’s ex boyfriend or girlfriend dangerous? Do you find yourself yearning to date a friend’s ex? Should you date a friend’s ex? When it comes to dating and true love, nobody can criticize you since your life is your choice and you are responsible for all the actions you have initiated. If you feel you are in such a situation, keep reading this article as it will definitely help you to find the right ways of navigating wisely between friendship and romance.

There is always the chance that your friend will tell you, "You don't have to date my ex," but this may not be the true emotion that your friend is feeling; sometimes you should ignore indifference and read between the lines.

How do you discover your friend's real emotions or reactions that are concealed because of a few factors? A very effective variant could be a meeting with your friend and your friend’s ex boyfriend or girlfriend at the same time when you can look at their eyes and see how they feel about themselves in each others’ presence. In other words, this is an examination of feelings for your friend. You are going to check whether the thought “It’s OK, you can date my ex” works well or is nonsense.

There is another crucial thing that shouldn’t slip through your attention. You need to understand if they have really broken up and there is zero chance of getting back together. If there is a slim likelihood they can reunite again, you won’t be the odd one in the love triangle, losing the game in the end. If not, there is no point in spending time and making things serious with dating a friend’s ex.

Also, don’t forget to have a talk to your friend asking if they both had enough time to soothe themselves after the breakup. One may need a month, while others cannot erase joyful memories from their minds for a year, which means they may make a couple in the future, ruining your beautiful fairy tale. Here you should be careful not to trust the words, but rely on your friend’s behavior and try to guess what your friend is thinking.

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To sum up, there are things you should do

●     Follow your heart.

●     Deeply analyze the relationship they had and how far they had gone together.

●     Figure out how your new relationship will impact your friendship.

●     Keep both relationships.

●     Have a trial time for your friend and your new partner.

●     Have a talk with your friend before dating your friend’s ex boyfriend or girlfriend

How to get consent

The idea of talking to your friend and opening your heart may be alluring at first, but soon you will face the results that may not be as pleasant as you thought. Keep in mind that you never need permission. Trying to get consent is not a fair tactic, and instead you need to inform your friend. Letting your friend know about your news is not the same as asking permission. This is important since you can get the answer NO if your attitude is like should you date or not or if your friend is happy or not about your new relationship. It’s better to have a strategy like, “Hey, I have something to share with you, hopefully you’ll like it. ”

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You have to make a choice

Should you date a friend’s ex if the friend strictly opposes your union? If you hear, “No, I’m not ready, I don’t want to see you together because…” What will happen then? If you stick to your decision firmly you will lose your friendship, one of the best gifts in your life. Here you have to make a choice since everyone’s life is a matter of choices. Be ready for the worst since your negation might mean ruined friendship between two best friends.

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A word from Avid

No matter what you mean to your friend, dating your friend’s ex boyfriend or girlfriend may cause a problem to you. Respect and mutual understanding between you and your friend play an important role here as it is better to be honest and play it safe than to keep things a secret and then lose a best friend. Otherwise you can break the unwritten rules that you have in your friendship. That said, it is worth mentioning that in the case of dating a friend’s ex, everything hinges on a concrete situation and the personality traits of the people involved in the love triangle.

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