Taurus and Taurus Compatibility

Personality traits of Taurus

The first association with Bull is that it symbolizes masculinism and indicates such features as persistence and stubborn effort. Although it is generally known that the Bull is obstinate and headstrong, Taurus characteristics are revealed from a completely different perspective. The second house is best described by security and stability. A Taurus that is fond of changes is hardly found, however, the zodiac sign is determined enough to come to the end point of what has started. The wish not to leave anything unfinished makes people think incorrectly that the bull is stubborn.

Two Taureans in a friendship

Are Taurus and Taurus compatible as friends?

Taurus and Taurus compatibility in friendship is well balanced and firmly fixed. They both invest in their relationship. Due to the big trust in each other, Taurus knows how to understand things that matter which in turn brings the compatibility of friends’ relationship into a new level. Since they share the same viewpoint and ideology, the friendship compatibility for Taurus and Taurus goes through close-to-zero obstacles and problems.

Changes are not their thing, and if one of the Taurus pair plans to turn the world, they get into a heated argument. The level of friendship compatibility is the mere consequence of their emotional contact. Plus, they tend to be close and unclear, and it is hard for them to open up.

Before committing to a relationship with a Taurus, Taurus indicates the faults and expresses a judgment. Then comes the next step, the step of staying calm and silent. They don’t talk too much and nearly nothing can be revealed through their gestures. As soon as they begin to know each other, however, people notice Taurus and Taurus compatibility, at least for the reason they both have a good sense of humor.

Pros In An Taurus-Taurus Relationship:

One of the pleasant traits of Taurus-Taurus compatibility friendship is that they are not lazy and work-shy. Nevertheless, they are pretty sure that if there is no tangible result, wasting energy is completely non-sense. In a situation when/where lots of energy is needed, Taurus finds inner strength to surmount the obstacles. They do the same with financial means, and you can never find Taureans in a wasteful adventure. The saved up money and other financial reserves make Taurus feel safe for future days.

The two bulls in the same association share many interests, for example, they both love music and singing songs. Music is always audible in the place they live in. Two Taureans prefer cooking meals themselves over eating out.

Cons In An Taurus-Taurus Relationship

When it comes to the negative traits, Taurus and Taurus compatibility friendship is able to resist changes until it is mandatory to do so. They are fond of being in a comfort zone believing that if something needs fixes, new measures will be taken. For Taureans, apologizing is a very bitter thing to do, and they consider it a sign of weakness. The word sorry is not their thing, and apologizing behavior is a real mood killer for them. This is probably the most bothersome aspect in the friendship compatibility for Taurus and Taurus.


To sum it up, Taureans get along well with each other and Taurus and Taurus are compatible as friends. In their actions, they are completely reasonable. They are fair and have sound judgment that is why their friendship is very steady. Bulls love to take care of each other by satisfying needs, whims, and mood changes.