Ways to Win Over a Gemini Man

Gemini men are full of energy and intelligence. They are charming, knowledgeable and can talk on any subject on the Earth. They are very social and have big dreams and goals. With a Gemini man, you will never get bored thus, there are several key tools that may help you make him yours forever.


Accept him being unpredictable


It is impossible to guess what is on his mind, as in most of the cases, they themselves don’t know. Keeping up with their changing nature is very difficult. When it comes to love, you will never know what you've gotten into. The Gemini man is not usually jealous, but he can be very selfish. Everything is allowed for him, while you're forced to follow a stricter set of rules.

Introduce him to your friends


The more interesting people you can introduce your Gemini man to, the more attractive you will appear to him. You’ll be a little nervous about sharing him with all your friends, especially if you're the jealous type. But showing him you're someone with a big amount of relatives and friends will attract him a lot. Lonely people don't interest him much. What you're really waiting for, of course, is for your Gemini man to introduce you in turn to his own friends and family. When that happens it's the clearest sign ever that he's definitely yours.


Make Sure to Give Him Space


Your Gemini might fall in love, but he needs to have plenty of space to feel happy. If he feels like you are being possessive, it will push him away and he won’t come back. You have to hide any sense of jealousy or possessiveness. Until he is ready to open up, don’t pressure him to. You need to make sure that you are flexible for all of his sudden decisions.




The Gemini man is very unpredictable and his every reaction can be immediate. If you want to attract a Gemini man, you must play according to his rules and you have tobe very flexible. Considering that Gemini is quite unstable, you need to be his opposite. That means you should be realistic and willing to deal with Gemini and his ideas and his constantly changing attitude. If you're able to listen and follow him, you've got your soulmate.


There is nothing that a Gemini man likes to do more than talk with someone new. Not only does he like to talk, but he is happy to listen as well. Gemini is an Air Sign, and like all of the Air Signs, he needs intellectual stimulation. In conversations, a Gemini man often flits from topic to topic, and he knows a little bit about many different things. This may be a little disconcerting to you if you are from one of the steadier signs. If you can keep up with him, however, he will greatly enjoy it.