Ways to win over an Aquarius man

It will take time for an Aquarius man to fall in love, so jumping straight to dating after a few meetings is not his thing. You need to go through the process, starting as his friend first. He believes that time will reveal whether you are worthy enough to be his girlfriend or not.

-Aquarius likes to distance himself from anything negative. He will prefer to keep the positive vibes around because for him, it does wonders for his life. Be happy when you are around him, not fake happiness but genuinely happy. Your smile and the positive vibes you bring will soothe him when he's having a rough day. 

- When trying to attract any man, a good piece of advice is to be mysterious. Nevertheless, in the case of Aquarius men, this is especially true. We know that these water-bearer guys can be a little (or a lot) mysterious. Don't let them know everything about you right away.

-As an intellectual person, Aquarius finds smart women more attractive for him. So, if you want to win his heart, try to impress him with intelligent conversations.

 In order to get his attention, you must be super fun and keep up with his intellectual conversations.

-He will always take his own time to observe you, to understand you thoroughly. He wants you to be a friend he can confide in, discuss absolutely anything under the sun, be yourself with him, and accept him just the way he is without emotional drama. All this would be very important for him, before he finally decides to utter the three words.

-To win the Aquarius, you must try to remain incomprehensible. Then the men of Aquarius' interest in it will grow with each passing day. But this is only about the interest. However, to make him yours forever, you need something unique.

-Be fascinating and engaged in your own creations. Have an open mind, and let him be who he is. Also, do not forget Aquarius people prioritize honesty over everything — even if the truth hurts sometimes. This is one of their most unpopular traits, but their loved ones can always appreciate the transparency that Aquarians have. Be sure to be completely open and honest with them



Leave him on read and don’t be overly available to keep him thinking about you.

If he feels like he’s an option to you, he’ll be dying to become your number one.

Keep him guessing and working hard for your attention to win him over. Aquarius men are kind of used to getting whatever they want to an extent so having to chase you will be something new to them.