Your Best Vacation Destination Based on Your Sign


While we all may feel drawn to certain bucket list locations while we plan our travels, we sometimes have difficulty deciding which to check off the list first. 

Using astrology as our guide, we've made it easy for you to choose your next destination based on each sign of the zodiac.

1․ Aries on Vacation

Aries is the epitome of physical activity in the zodiac. They want to be where the action is, they want to find the coolest new destination, the best bar, and discover new trends ahead of time. 

They love to be independent, so somewhere where they can be the tour guide is ideal.

2․ Taurus on Vacation

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the sign of luxury. 

When they go on vacation they are going for a rest, to be pampered and leave feeling relaxed. 

The best holiday for these folks involves soft sand, soft beds, delicious food, massages, and lots of naps. 

3․ Gemini on Vacation

Geminis are interested in everything.

They want to see the city, hit the museums, join the tour guide, learn some facts and then spend the afternoon regaling the facts they learned that morning. 

A city with a beach is a great shout for a Gemini because they get the buzzing nightlife but also some downtime to hoover up information and read. 

4․ Cancer on Vacation

Cancers consider your every need for the journey and what you might need when you get on vacation. 

Security is one of the ultimate values for Cancerians so their vacation destination needs to provide them with that sense of home. 

A family villa is perfect for Cancer. 

Failing that, staying in a family-run complex, or a hotel that has “that family feels” and when you stay at that place the brand garners “a sense of belonging”. 

A family villa on an island somewhere in the Caribbean would be the perfect vacation for a Cancer.

5․ Leo on Vacation

Leos are here for the high life. 

Their ultimate vacation destination has to be the latest hotspot in town. 

They want fun, parties, and all the glamour. 

Whoever goes on vacation with Leo is in for a treat. 

Anywhere they can strut and show off! 

6․ Virgo on Vacation

A Virgo may well be anxious on the way to the airport, and it might take them a while days to settle into the holiday but it will do their nerves the world of good! 

Find them at a health retreat, perhaps even a yoga retreat where their mind that constantly shifts for information has a chance to breathe, slow down and recalibrate.

Somewhere clean that they can still keep up their great health routine. 

Something that leaves them feeling rested and restored from the responsibilities of their daily life. 

A wellness retreat would be perfect for a Virgo.

7․ Libra on Vacation

Libra is the archetypal cultured individual who has read up, packed well, and intends on calmly soaking up their well-planned vacation, taking fantastic photos along the way.

Excellent service is very important to Libra. Flowers in the room, little details. 

A place of art and culture; a culture-filled city break. 

8․ Scorpio on Vacation

Scorpios love action, adventure, and making plans that others will love. 

They want to be away from the crowd, alone with nature, having deep and meaningful chats on the beach, and making friends last a lifetime.

They like exploring mysterious castles, caves, or ancient buildings in the area. 

9․ Sagittarius on Vacation

The big vision of Sagittarius is to change the world, to teach what they have learned, to share their intelligence and enthusiasm for life. 

A Sagittarius holiday is as authentic as they come; total immersion into another culture, staying with local families, and thoroughly learning about other people is their vibe. 

Sagittarius wants to travel, they want to see the world. 

They want a one-way ticket. There’s nothing they don’t want to see and no one they don’t want to meet. 

Exotic vacations are perfect for a Sagittarius traveler!

10․ Capricorn on Vacation

When the ultimate hard worker goes on vacation it can take them a few days to relax and settle into the holiday vibes. 

“Relax” isn’t a word that chimes with them all that well because they are so focused on being productive. 

Capricorns love anything super active with an adrenaline rush! A skiing vacation is perfect.

11․ Aquarius on Vacation

A road trip is the ultimate Aquarius holiday. 

Where are they going? Nobody knows! But they will make friends on the way with people from all walks of life. 

Aquarius wants the stories, memories, learning, connection, and exploration, where they go needs to be flexible and welcoming. 

12․ Pisces on Vacation

Pisces are the artists and mystics of the zodiac, they blend in everywhere they go and will be happy snoozing on a beach, painting in a country meadow, learning traditional dance, meditating in India, or attending to those in need as part of some charity work. 


If you know your rising and/or moon sign, use those as the guides to help you choose your travel destination above, since they rule your physical reality. 

If you only know your sun sign based on the month you were born, that's OK, and this list will still help.