What to do if you have to leave your current job? What if you make mistakes being impolite to your boss and colleagues? Yes, it’s not tragic, but if you do everything taking into account all generally accepted standards of respectable and moral behavior, your transition will be the most successful one ever. Let’s jump right into top 9 valuable tips that help everyone how to behave before resigning.

Tip 1

You ought to make a list of reasonable grounds for quitting your job. Your decision to leave can be the direct consequence of toxic communication or an uncomfortable work environment and the examples can be the quarrel with a coworker or manager, more workload, loss of motivation, health issues, etc. Make a list of reasons why you want to quit. Avid experts are pretty sure that a well grounded explanation with a valid reason is a correct step before making up your mind to leave the job. 

Tip 2

Give your all for making a smooth transition from one company into the other one. Ask for a couple of weeks to avoid walking away from the office in case you are fired but don’t quit the job. With such a behavior, you’ll prove that you are not a short-timer and you know how to deal with such situations as a professional and experienced employee. 

Tip 3

It is advisable to parallely look for a new job. Having a gap in job history is not good for your career, what is more, you can fail to financially support yourself and maybe your new job will not come soon. So ensure that you have another source of money before leaving your current job. Use your connections, surf the Internet and social media platforms, update your LinkedIn account and be extremely attentive to job ads and news. 

Tip 4 

If you have no good job offer in hand, make certain that you have money put by for a rainy day. You will be able to pay the bills if you have life savings for a month or two. So financially get prepared for the financial gap before you leave your job.

Tip 5

Update your CV or resume before you change your job. Don’t lose a day, do it as soon as you can as the best offers find their owners quickly enough. Improve your resume and make the necessary changes and additions while you run your current position. It is easier to consider and think of all courses, training and things you accomplished while you are still at your current job. Generally, professionals always keep their resumes updated no matter if they look for a new job or not. It is more difficult to add every detail in advance than to leave it for the period after quitting the current job. 

Tip 6

Have a scenario of actions. A well-rounded plan will prevent you from putting you at risk. At least you should have an inkling what you will do next, what your next job or company is, etc. Especially if you intend to make a serious career change, your plans must be precise, detail-oriented and unambiguous.

Tip 7

Take the time to gather all the necessary paperwork. You will benefit in future if these important documents will be acquired while you are at your current job. If you are on good terms with your manager, ask him/her for a recommendation letter. Look for emails that praise your perfect performance. Find the reports, articles, any significant document stating that you are an incredibly professional and highly demanded employee. This kind of staff will be of great use when applying for a new position.

Tip 8

Keep some of your best work samples at your disposal. For example, if you wrote an amazing article for the magazine, save it into your PC. Or if you won a case at the Court, gather the related proof-materials. These samples show your level of intelligence, success in your field, punctuality and disciplined way of working, etc, and they will be the prerequisite for a new awesome job. 

Tip 9

Make time to say THANKS to everyone who has been helping you through all this time to be successful in your position. Send an email and say thank you with sweet words and warm wishes  before shutting down your computer for the last time. If you have time and money, make a farewell party and say goodbye to your closest coworkers; some of them are already friends for life, aren’t they? Everyone will remember your generosity, kind attitude and politeness. Propose a toast to your staff with a glass of wine and express your gratitude. Show your gratitude for their assistance and tell them you learned a lot from them. They will keep this memory for a long time! 

Final thoughts

We are convinced that this guide with its valuable tips will help you make a smooth and graceful transition from your previous job to your new job/company. Follow these tips and you’ll leave on a professional note.