The Most Obvious Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms You Need to Know

What are the signs of pregnancy? How can you guess that you are going to carry a small creature inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the end of your life. The most common sign is when you miss the period, but there are cases when you meet signs of pregnancy even before you miss it. Read about the early signs of pregnancy in this article and be aware of the signals your body gives off.

Implantation Bleeding

If you find a slight bleeding and think that it’s the sign that your period is coming soon, you are mistaken. Actually, it indicates the process of egg fertilization that is implanted into the uterus. Though not everyone notices the implantation bleeding and fails to understand what in fact it is, 25% of women have such a spotting as an early sign of pregnancy.

Nausea and Vomiting 

Oh, that damn vomiting and nausea! They can happen any time of the day, and especially in the morning trying to impact on your mood and make you unhappy. When you don’t know about your conception, your body sends you signals and tells you about the bundle of joy you will hug in a few months. Don’t worry and calm yourself down, as the vomiting symptoms will most likely fade away as soon as the first trimester nears to its end. In that period, you will learn to deal with morning sickness by removing the foods that make you nauseous.

Increased Urination

It’s common knowledge that a big uterus presses on the bladder in a later period of pregnancy, and as a result, pregnant women start peeing all day and all night. However, the increased urination is also typical to the very initial period of pregnancy, when you don’t even know about that. The hormone hCG impacts on the blood flow to the pelvis, and because of the volumes of this extra fluid you can be obliged to urinate quite often. So keep in mind that round the clock peeing is another sign of carrying a baby.

Feeling Exhausted

Besides health issues and sleep disturbances, you can suddenly start feeling run down and exhausted. The tiredness you experience very unexpectedly is conditioned by the fact that your body houses and gets ready to grow a baby. In the egg fertilization process, your blood gets pumped to the fetus and vital micronutrients are delivered for the embryo. Meanwhile you feel beyond tired and chronic fatigue, the egg fertilization process takes place.

Pain in the Breasts

Sensitive breasts and pain in the boobs are the earliest and common signs of being expectant. In your body, hormonal changes occur as well as it begins the preparation of making the milk ducts ready to feed the newborn baby after 9 months. Meanwhile the boobs may be painful like those days when you have your period. Also, the nippen grows dark and increases in size.

The Bottomline

There are lots of signs and symptoms that tell you about the surprise you will be blessed with in the nearest future. Hopefully, this article was helpful, and you got much knowledge on how to guess that you are pregnant. 

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