Top 5 Things to Avoid During Your Date

Each time we meet a new person, we have to try our best not to fail. Knowing the right things to do in a relationship is not always clear. Sometimes we need extra help to move on in the right way.

We live, and we learn, so here are 5 dating mistakes that may probably help not to make mistakes in dating ever after.


Be punctual

In case it takes you an hour and a half to get ready before going out that’s fine. What’s not fine is expecting him/her to know that and to forgive you for not knowing how to schedule your time. Make sure you’re there on time, and if something is truly out of your control takes place, send him an apologetic text as soon as you know. Value your and other’s time.


Advertising yourself will not work

There are many people who love talking about themselves. It is okay to describe your hobbies and your likings, but it is always good to leave the part of knowing about your personality on the person sitting in front of you. You are on a date so that you can know each other well, so do not spoil the situation by advertising yourself too much.


Don’t act too friendly on a first date

Sure, you like him/her and you’re feeling relaxed enough on your date to talk about anything, but that is not always a good idea. Sometimes, being too friendly and asking too personal questions can be off-putting. Instead, fill any awkward silences with questions about the other person. Remain mysterious and you’ll always be attractive. Remember both men and women get attracted to those in whom there’s a lot to discover.


Avoid phone for the moment

Nowadays we cannot stay away from your phone, but when we are on a date to know a person and decide many things about life. If you are busy in your phone world, then you will not be able to know and judge the person sitting at the other end of the table. The person may also feel that you are not giving him or her attention, so, never ever make this mistake.


Sharing secrets with new-found love will never work

 Your partner is yet to be your family, no matter how sweet and perfect you both are, it is unwise to share your familyor personal secret with your date. Imagine you complained to your newly found partner about what went wrong in your family, and two weeks later, you broke up.

You’ve ended up sharing your family/personal secret with a stranger, who may or may not protect your privacy. Do not talk down any family member to your lover, it breeds contempt, and influences them to hate your people, which is unhealthy.