Why Do Men Prefer to Stay Single?

There is a stereotype that you should find your soul mate by your thirties. It refers to both men and women. Men are not always ready to settle down, what is more, they prefer to live a bachelor’s life, at least for a couple of years longer. In fact, they love the singleness and don’t want to replace it with a complicated life of husband and father. While others hurry up to find a life partner, others do not want to look for themselves as a soul mate. Everyone understands that the secret is that nobody wants to give up the amazing life of a free person and therefore men long for staying single as long as it is possible. There are some reasons why they make such a decision.

They hate commitment

The choice to be a single man can be the consequence of being afraid of commitment. This is called gamaphobia, and people with the symptoms of this disease never want to have a long-term relationship with someone. As a rule, people suffer from this because of a sad love story that ruined their lives. However, such men can turn to a psychotherapist, combat their fear and establish new and meaningful relationships.

They cherish time alone

Do not believe it if someone says introverted men are not fond of hot love, intense emotions, and romance. They do wish to have a warm atmosphere at home, someone cooking a tasty dish next to the oven, or organizing the household. What hinders them is the awful feeling of fear, the feeling of losing precious time alone. These men are usually taciturn, and you won’t see them hanging out with friends, chilling, discussing something important or interesting, etc. Most of the time they scroll up and down the smartphone if at home, or they spend the day in the office, but again lonely, far from crowded corridors and lunchtime. In a nutshell, they don’t want to allocate some time to their future wife and kids, preferring a relaxed and unnoticed way of living.

They want to be financially stable

Money often costs too much, and this is often the case with singles. Many families are not built since lots of men want to be financially stable first, and then think about getting serious. This is especially true about those who dislike spending women's money and take the responsibility of caring about their wives. Single men cannot imagine a life with a limited amount of money that is why marital status is perceived as a real nightmare by them. To take stock of the situation as a married man they want to save a penny for a rainy day beforehand.

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They don’t realize the role of compromise

The wisdom of compromise teaches people to bend a bit if needed as it is better than breaking. It is true that there are people who never compromise by nature. In fact, they don’t like the idea of making a family with a woman who might point out mistakes, problems, and understand more than the male in the family. Unwilling to say yes, denying what is discussed, lacking the ability of accepting the reality, such men build serious relationships closer to their forties when they already feel strictly the importance of being married.

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They never get the woman of their dreams

It is rather difficult to hope for the best and think that a princess will come, filling the life with magic and endless love. A significant reason is that after maturing single men cannot find the lady of their dreams, women who are that ideal in fairy tales or movies only. In addition, they are picky, and even a choice between two jeans can be a tough dilemma for them. Because of their idealistic approach and critical nature, they stay single without realizing the importance of a life with a partner in crime. They are constantly in the quest of a lady and honest relationships, but everything ends up the same - nothing serious, and everything remains the same.

They prefer career over family

Another obstacle to marry is the commitment to a career. When there are many opportunities in the workplace, a chance of running for a better position, getting a higher rank, or something else, it becomes twice as difficult for a young man to think about creating an own family. It seems boring and time-consuming mainly because there is always a lot to do at home, kids make noise, and one forgets about healthy sleep. For men it is especially hard to work at the office five or six days a week, and when returning home in the evening, start caring about the wife and kiddos. So, the life of a married man is composed of two main components, time and emotional investments. That is why workaholics devote themselves to endless work, proudly accepting the idea of staying single.

Read also: 5 easy ways to boost your career development.

The Bottom Line

Some men are clear on what they want. They may go on a date or see someone for half of the year without any intention of going a level higher in the relationship. They like the idea of being a bachelor and they love the way they live. Family responsibilities, requirements, needs, troubles, and issues are not for them. They may even fall in love or have a crush on a beautiful lady, but the feeling of staying single wins in most of the cases, not letting them marry a woman.