8 Most Nutrient-Dense Foods

Experts say that nutrient-dense foods are a must in your diet. Even the small portions of nutrient-dense foods have healthy fats, complex carbs, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. You should exclude some foods that are bad for your well-being and health, and instead you should learn more about nutritional foods and use them more. Let’s see what these foods are.



Eggs are the winner any time of the day. Containing four grams of fat and six grams of protein, one medium egg is the best option for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Though eggs are a simple ingredient, they are a versatile protein that everyone needs to add into the diet.




The optimal functioning of your body is guaranteed by a great source of iron, folate, and vitamins, and the liver is the food that contains all the mentioned important elements. If you need to maximize your nutritional intake, add liver into your diet. Disregard its special taste, it is a must-eat for everyone.




Another nutrient-dense food is salmon. Full of protein and other important elements, salmon will keep you full longer thanks to the protein’s effect on increasing satiety. Nutritionists recommend adding salmon to your meal and getting all B vitamins, responsible for converting food into energy. 




Seaweed is another nutrient-dense food that has lots of varieties and ways of cooking. One of the most preferable ways of preparing seaweed-containing food is to make a salad from it. This overlooked food is rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, and amino acids. Also, you can use it as a source of natural iodine.


Sweet Potato


Sweet potato is the favorite of at least one member in the family. It is delicious either baked or mashed or any other way of preparing it. You can cube potatoes, add onion, eggs, and peppers. They are great for making fries. As a great source of beta carotene, potassium, vitamin C, and fiber, sweet potato helps with digestive system health and weight management.




Low in calories, but high in fiber, broccoli is a health-boosting nutrient. This nutrient-dense food contains vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, manganese, folate, thiamin, selenium, and whatnot. There is a study showing that broccoli is an excellent food able to fight cancer and improve immune-system.




World famous dietitians advise people to eat blueberries as much as possible. Containing minerals, vitamins, and lots of fiber, blueberry is at the top among fruits and vegetables that has the highest antioxidant level. Additionally, wild blueberries contain even more antioxidants than regular ones.


Low-fat milk


Do you look for a great source of calcium or vitamin D? Low-fat milk is an excellent source boasting many necessary elements including phosphorus, vitamin A, some of b Vitamins, etc. Fat-free or low-fat milk are more nutrient-dense than higher fat milk, while the low-fat types provide the same nutrients for fewer calories.



Nutrient-rich foods are extremely important because of the elements they contain. What is more, they are good for health, immune system, and well-being, and at the same time prevent the body from chronic diseases and other health problems. So you should know some of them and do your utmost to incorporate them into your diet.