How to Make Your Body Baby-Ready

Are you in front of a big milestone? Planning a baby is an excellent idea. Your baby will fill your life with a place in your heart you never knew was empty. Now ask your body if it is ready for pregnancy. There are some tips that will help your body get baby-ready and informed later to avoid pregnancy problems, labor problems, etc.

Improve your immune system

During pregnancy, the immune system of your body is so vulnerable. As you are responsible for both of you, you’re more susceptible to colds, flu, and many other illnesses. Your immune system needs some extra help and on this end you should incorporate vitamin C, antioxidants and other nutrients into your diet.  

Drink folic acid

All pregnants drink folate supplements and extra folic acid besides prenatal vitamins. Folic acid is the best method of preventing neural tube defects during early pregnancy. So your doctor will most probably prescribe 500-800 micrograms of folic acid per day for your well-being. Sometimes it is prescribed even before pregnancy when you are still planning a baby.

Pay the dentist a visit

It is extremely preferable to stop in at the dentist's to have a teeth checkup. Your gums and teeth may be affected during pregnancy and while breast-feeding your baby. The reason is the hormonal changes in the body. To prevent complications or teeth problems at all, you can get your teeth checked by a dentist.

Cut on or quit tobacco, alcohol, drugs

Cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs are so harmful that they can even harm your unborn baby. Their damaging chemicals restrict blood flow and sometimes are the reason for preterm labor. Some drugs, such as marijuana or cocaine, may result in stillbirth, birth defects, etc.

Practice yoga

There is a direct link between fertility and yoga. Yoga practice is very useful as it helps with controlling emotions, fatigue, anxiety and many other negative feelings. In addition, it stretches your body, strengthens your muscle groups, and improves your breathing. Yoga is a good preparation for baby planning.


You have lots of things to think about if you plan a new baby in your family. For a healthy baby you should care about your pregnancy period and make your body baby-ready.