Never Allow Yourself to Spank Your Child

A discipline strategy that works for one child may not work for another. Children develop uniquely, they don’t have the same personality, possess different weaknesses and strengths, requiring different kinds of support to meet their individual needs. Flexibility and adaptability that are of great importance are key ingredients to parenting and caregiving.

When the situation gets outs of control, parents get furious, impatient… and yes, they start spanking. They spank their children without realizing that spanking, underscoring the negative effects of it on the emotional-social development of their children. Or just because they understand this but they don’t want to work on themselves to get rid of the stupid and useless habit of such punishment.

Say NO to spanking because…

1. By Spanking You Raise the Risk for Problems Now and in the Future.

The more your child is hit, the more likely he is aggressive later. Spanking never improves any aspect of their lives, and instead it is directly linked to sad and negative outcomes, including mental health problems, behavior and socializing problems, communication issues, etc.

2. Spanking doesn’t Work the Way You Long

Spanking never works the way you want, and your kiddo can never boast any good results because of spanking. On the contrary, according to evidence, spanking doesn’t prevent kids from misbehaving in the future even if it serves the goal for the moment. They don’t learn how to behave differently later, which is one of the essential goals of parents and parenting.

3. Spanking Makes You Feel Awful

As soon as you feel there is a lack of control, you start to have the urge to spank. This happens when we are blocked in our goals, and in irritation, we do notice how it elicits aggression. As an impulsive response, spanking reacts to your desperate brain and as a consequence you are awful and disgusting.


To avoid stress and build healthy child-parent relationships, do these steps that are used to effectively discipline children. The following three discipline strategies can be applied instead of spanking

  • Try to use positive reinforcement thanks to which you can encourage your child to behave.

  • Have a supportive child-parent relationship, which will be a good reason to behave properly.

  • Sometimes you may find it necessary to use some disciplinary methods, for example taking out favorite privileges or time outs for a period of time.


Consistent with the ideas mentioned above, Avid specialists advise you to follow some additional tips.

  • You can be a role model. You should have good control on yourself as your child looks at you, perceiving you as an example of how to behave. If you remain calm and peaceful, your child will make the same traits a priority.

  • Think on setting rules and restrictions that will be enforced. When doing this, get convinced that your limits and rules are verbalized, taking into consideration age-appropriate language.

  • Praise good behaviors and show that you pay attention to what is done properly, with love and diligence. Your child will most likely repeat it, if you celebrate his good behavior. The fact that the caregiver or parent is observant and sharp-eyed, will make the child behave well.

Read also how to organize your child’s care. Click here to read.

  • Learn not to respond and ignore your child’s bad behavior. Food-related problems, too much screen time, bedtime struggles or impulsive behavior may be your concern or irritation, but you should try to be patient and ignore them. Soon you’ll see how the bad behavior increases with time. Teach your child that temper tantrums won’t get them what they want.

  • Keep the control of the situation in your hand. Redirect the bad behavior and don’t directly tell them that you cannot do this or that. Instead of saying don't do that, offer something else and try to deviate. Such a mindset will help you win the situation and raise a healthy child.


Spanking can evoke a sense of fear in your child, but be sure that it will never improve behavioral problems for a long-term period. With spanking, you lead your child to aggressive behavior, encouraging the fact that there is a constant conflict between you and your kiddo.

Seek our assistance and click here, if you are concerned about your child to think there is a need to get support. Turning to someone’s help is not a weakness, but a sign of strength.