How to Create More Margin in Your Life

In the everyday hustle, thousands of people don’t find time to relax. We will be more successful in all our endeavors If we can let go of the habit of running all the time, and take little pauses to relax, we will re-center ourselves and be more successful. Life will be more full of joy and enthusiasm, and the space or time we enjoy is the margin itself.  Margin is what will give you a long-lasting capacity to reach the goals and adhere to things that matter most. Let’s see some methods that will help you add more margin into your busy life.

Set priorities

Instead of chasing after lots of things, it is important to have priorities in life. Having things that you value most will help you set exact goals. This kind of determination will help you manage everything, and the most important things firstly, and help you skip things that have little value.

Cut on the time-suck

It’s time to say goodbye to time-wasters. They pig out your precious time and leave no space for essential things. If you have a bad habit of playing playstation games or wasting time on Netflix movies, your children will be out of your focus, and you will lose their childhood which will bring lots of troubles in their adulthood both for you and them. Some of you spend much time scrolling up and down the feed on social media sites, platforms that are the greatest time-suck. To avoid this, you ought to make a list of things that take most of your time. Secondly, you need to be detail-oriented and look for everyday activities that waste your time and see if you can quit or cut some of them.

Prepare reviews

A review is what you need to tackle life and be informed what you have in the upcoming future. Also, reviewing your actions will help you look back at your previous experience, and estimate your accomplished goals or failures with the help of such excellent practice. Try daily, weekly, or monthly reviews.

Plan your time

Spending time planning the week will make the whole week more productive. Usually for me this is the first part of my week. If I know where I’m headed it’s much easier to get everything done and still handle distractions.

Plan ahead

While some say it is good to live in the present, others believe that it is worth planning ahead. Yes! To create more margin in your life you should know where you go and for what, or else you will end up someplace else. “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I’ll spend the first four sharpening the axe”, said Abraham Lincoln, a president that faced as many challenges as no other country leader in the history of the US. If he didn’t adopt the technique of planning time in advance, he wouldn’t be so successful.  

Make a daily schedule

Make a schedule for the given day and you will never regret it. The schedule with a prioritized list of tasks will definitely multiple the rate of completion. The prioritization is up to you: for a sense of accomplishment it is better to kick off with easy ones. To feel comfortable later, you can leave the harder ones for the end of the day.

The takeaway

Whatever you do or wish to do, always find space between limits and load. Search for the gap that exists between tiredness and relaxation. You are the one who chooses to either breath freely or suffocate, and sooner or later you’ll need the margin. Follow the methods of creating more margin, break the cycle of busyness and find time for you.