Key weighs to manage menopausal symptoms

Most women go through menopause, the end of fertility and natural cessation of menstrual cycle, at their early 50s. However, genetics, ovarian or pelvic damage, or other conditions may give rise to sudden menopause earlier than it is expected. Lots of women experience the symptoms even five years after menopause, and flushing, night sweats, hot flashes are the most common symptoms. The good thing is that menopausal symptoms can be treated or at least managed or reduced. This is how you can manage them.

Keeping cool and staying comfortable

The worst thing about experiencing menopause is hot flashes. To avoid them you shall wear comfortable clothes, dress in loose clothing, and especially when the weather is intolerably hot and in the nighttime. Don’t forget to cool the bedroom before going to sleep and you will reduce the likelihood of night sweats. Have a portable fan, handkerchief, a pack of paper napkins with you to help yourself cool down in case you feel flushed.

Using nutrients and natural supplements

Menopausal symptoms are caused by deficiency of estrogen, and some experts think that the use of herbal remedies will greatly help you overcome the difficult menopausal period. Symptoms can be limited if you include the following nutrients and natural supplements into your everyday diet.

● vitamin E

● flax seed

● omega-3 fatty acids

● isoflavone

● melatonin

● soy

Communicating your needs

General well-being and total health of the body depend on the psychological state of the person. If you are constantly stressed, anxious, have feelings of tiredness, depression, or isolation, you have to meet a therapist or talk to a psychologist. You will benefit a lot by speaking up about your identity changes and problems. Not only professional help but also family support can be of great importance. Start discussing your mood changes, the reasons, the consequences, and what you gain from them. A sincere talk with a friend, kids, parents, or people who know your needs, will certainly will help you combat menopause difficulties.

Practicing relaxation techniques

Both your mind and body are in need of relaxation, and you should think about it seriously. We advise you to make time for rest and relax and practice breathing techniques. Opt for meditation, yoga, or box breathing and soon you’ll reap the benefits of this method for preventing or avoiding menopause problems.

Managing sleeping issues

Managing sleeping issues is as important as managing weight gain, diet, etc. To manage insomnia, you need to use OTC sleep medications. Furthermore, you consult with your doctor and get answers on how to manage sleeping disorders and have a better night’s rest.


Reading the presented at-home tips, you already know how to manage menopausal symptoms. Follow the ways to reduce them by lifestyle adjustments, using home remedies, thinking about your rest time, sleep, etc. If they worsen or become more severe, eventually affecting your life quality, you need a serious treatment, like hormone therapy.