How to Self-Soothe After a Breakup  

Getting dumped is a challenging thing, and while lots of people go on living the life they desire after a breakup, it is not a quick fix for others. Because of breakups, many changes may take place in people’s everyday life, routine, habits, relationships, etc. Getting used to a breakup is very hard, a process that requires time to acknowledge your feelings and heal yourself.

Your breakup news is a real headache for you and people who care for you. Taking their advice you may overcome the sorrow but it is also possible to keep on blaming yourself for losing the bond with your ex. Everyone who has experienced a break up, no matter earlier in life or quite recently, the mentioned tips are recommended to follow. That said, we at Avid have compiled some methods that will most probably be helpful if you have a decision to put the past behind.

Don’t get stuck

To mend your broken heart you need to concentrate on the healing process. It will take time and you should be patient. Even if it requires a long period of time, do not give up, since the more you process what and why happened to you and your ex, the stronger your future life will be built.

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Get help from professionals

If you feel your own efforts are not enough, talking to a therapist will be a perfect decision. It is true that people should face grief and cry to their heart’s content, but weeping for days and nights will not erase your memory of the past. A therapist, psychologist or an expert who is trained in human and emotional development will help you move on and start everything with a blank page.

Reach out your supportive people

Connecting with other people is another full-of-potential method to self-soothe after a breakup. Holing up in the bedroom or snowing yourself with office affairs is not a good idea, and here healthy communication with bright people will help you a lot. Reach out to your old friends and the dearest family members to spend an evening together. Organize a picnic in the park, a movie watching or a night out, and fully enjoy the precious time together. Don’t underestimate the power of good vibes and happy moments. The love and care to you by your supportive folks will make you forget the toxic relationship with your ex.

Do away with reminders

It is difficult to move on and heal from a breakup if you still have your ex's picture on the nightstand or if you sleep in their old sweatshirt. It can be helpful to remove reminders of them from your home. Purging things that remind you of your ex is one of the first must do-s after getting dumped. Don’t test your will power and don’t make it harder, just take off everything that reminds you of your ex. It is useless to use the cosmetic means presented by your partner, wearing the shoes she bought for you, or keeping some photos in your smartphone. If not removed, these small nuances will be dangerous for your recovery process.

Remove digital reminders

In the era of technologies, we have a lot on digital platforms. It is useless to purge your apartment without getting rid of social media reminders. Chances are, you will heal yourself faster if you cut your ex off for a period. Don’t visit your ex’s social media accounts and don’t watch the stories. Besides, announce to your friends and family that you don’t want to hear anything about your ex and previous relationship. The life changes of your previous significant other can be painful and will keep you stuck, and the fewer associations you have, the easier it will be to advance.

Read also: 7 secret signs your ex misses you

Game over - accept it!

Here is a list of Dos and Don'ts. Read the details and build your future without the people of your past.

●       Don’t think about a reunion, the likelihood of that happening is slim in most cases.

●       Acknowledge that the relationship and feelings are over.

●       Don’t over-analyze and don’t cry over spilt milk

●       Learn from your mistakes and move forward.

●       Don’t judge yourself too harshly.

●       Don’t ask questions and look for feedback from your ex.

Allow yourself some self-care

We have compiled a set of activities that will redefine the happiness of your identity, making you believe in the brightest days and true love opportunities that are yet to come. Consider doing things that bring joy in your life and serve you as a mood booster:

●       Get plenty of sleep

●       Practice yoga/ go to gym

●       Read about arts or listen to music

●       Lose yourself in a book reading

●       Give yourself a massage or facial

●       Do a new haircut and chill out with friends

●       Treat yourself with a new laptop or buy a new silver necklace from the latest collections

●       Make meals at home and master cooking.


After a breakup you won’t handle everything perfectly. However, with the tips you will be able to self-soothe yourself and recapture the harmony in your life. With time, you will feel better with a feeling of freedom and freshness. Everything is up to you, and you need only to opt for right decisions to mend your broken heart.

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