10 Signs You Can't Get Your Ex Back

Breakups can be tough and perplexing. The most difficult fact is accepting you are left alone. The longer your mutual life extends, the more you will be confused and heartbroken. The person who had been the centre of your world does not desire to be part of your life anymore. 

Nevertheless, you should move forward and relish your life rather than bury yourself in bitterness. 

There are 10 signs that may assist you to realize you should not hope for a reconciliation.

1.   Your ex ignores your calls and messages

When your ex does not answer your calls or messages and never picks up the phone, it means s/he is over you. Even if your ex responds taking into account courtesy, s/he just ponders that not responding is impoliteness.

2.   Your ex is in a relationship with someone else

If your ex appeared to be in a happy new relationship with the same person for a long time, it is apparent that s/he does not intend to return to you. In these cases, when exes end a relationship and they feel that you try to get them back, they tell you to persist and refine your life without them.

3.   There is no trust anymore

Trust is the core and lifeblood of any prosperous communication. Without it, the relationship in a pair will last for a short while and, at last, it will fade and fail. Each one in a pair evaluates loyalty, honesty and trust towards each other and the disruption of the trust will tail to die of the pair.

4. Your ex has blocked you on all the social media platforms

When you get blocked on WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and all other social media platforms, it means your ex does not want to stay in touch with you. It is an outright way of saying that s/he is not interested and bothered by what is happening in your life anymore.

5.   They avoid your friends and family 

When you are in a relationship, quite frequently you meet each other’s family and friends. Even after your breakup, you can keep on warm communication with them, and there is no harm. But if your ex avoids your family and friends, it shows s/he does not want to meet up with anyone who reminds about you. However, it will be better to keep the same behaviour towards his/her friends and family.

6.   Your ex speaks ill about you

If your ex speaks with hostility, anger, and mockery about you, do not think it is another form of love. Do not make fool of yourself. It means s/he hates you. That is the reason he avoids you. No one wants to see people they hate.

7.   Your ex does not concern if you are seeing someone else

If your ex does not demonstrate any signs of confusion, frustration, or concern in case s/he is aware or even witness that you have found and even date someone new already, s/he, definitely over you.

8.   Your ex gives back all of your stuff

When your ex gives your stuff back, it is the way of getting rid of everything that reminds him of you. The physical reminders can definitely slow down the process of separating. This action is the equivalent of burning bridges with the person who broke up with.

9.   Ex seems irritated and unagitated seeing You

What about accidentally intersecting with each other? If your ex still loves you, then s/he would be dying to catch of sight you again if given a chance. If your ex seems annoyed meeting you after a long time of being separated, it means s/he does not interested in hearing you or seeing you anymore.

10.  Your ex loosely posts pictures with a new loved one on social media

If your ex still loves you, s/he would not desire you to be offended even after your break-up. That person would hope for reconciliation and never post his/her common pictures with a new loved one on Social Media. It means that s/he is free, single, and available to be attracted by anyone.