5 Reasons Why People are Really Jealous

All human beings are full of emotions. Emotions could be positive or negative. Positive emotions are said to be positive because they make us feel good from within, negative emotions are said to be negative because the feelings they give are not pleasant. Jealousy is a negative emotion created by the human mind. When a person wants something and he sees that particular thing being possessed by another person, he feels jealous of him/her. 

Here are some common reasons why people get jealous.


They're angry at themselves

Some people who see others success will recognize all the tough stuff someone probably went through to get where they are. They'll acknowledge that your success came with sacrifice which probably they couldn’t make. They get upset with the choices they made, understanding that they could have stood where others are if they were a little harder worker. In a broader sense, they can get frustrated that they're stuck in a specific way of living that holds them back.



Jealousy usually happens when there is a competition. If an employee saw another employee being praised by their manager, then the first might feel jealous because of being afraid to lose the position they wanted to get.


It's all about fears

Some people are afraid that their relationship will break and they will be replaced with someone else. They don't want to be unloved, unwanted losers. They want to be better than other potential “enemies” in order to get back the attention that they once had. It's more than just a game, with consequences so unbearable that they can't afford to lose the person they care about.



We all compare our lives with others at some point in time. The comparison makes us unhappy and jealous. We see others' lives and compare but we forget that we have the capability to get what we desire and what we want. Allow your jealousy to become your motivation.



Assumption always becomes the reason for jealousy. We see a post on social media and without knowing the true fact we assume it as per our own thinking and get jealous. We don’t know whether it’s real or not just on the basis of our assumptions we get jealous. Don’t be unhappy or jealous of things which you assume.