How Men Can Communicate Better With Women


A lot of men are finding it hard to talk about their emotions. And it’s understandable, given the never-ending list of stigmas that often dictate how men should communicate with women. 

The biological truth is that men and women have fundamental differences—one of which is the way we communicate. 

Understanding how to communicate with someone whose communication style differs from yours, then, can have a major impact on your ability to relate to them and to get along with them.

Let’s take a look at some of the tips men can work toward better communication with women.

Pay Close Attention to Her Body Language

Any expert will tell you that 80% of all communication, is non-verbal

It is so easy to make a woman uncomfortable, or comfortable, without saying a word.

This is particularly important in our society, with everyone keeping a close eye on inappropriate behaviors or harassment

Getting too close or making unwelcome advances are a problem—and a lot of people would ask, how we are supposed to know whether or not our advances are welcome until we actually make them?

Read her body language! 

Is she playing with her hair while talking to you? 

Are her shoulders pointed directly at you?

Is she about to run away? 

Small hints tell an important story, and paying close attention to her can save you a lot of frustration.

Use Emojis!

Whether you’re talking on social media or texting, this is probably the first or second most frequent way you’re communicating with a woman you’re interested in. 

That means you’ve got to get it right.

Emojis allow you to add cuteness and emotion to what you’re saying. 

Winks, kissy faces, or hearts if you’re at that stage will change the tone of your message and help add some extra flirtiness.

Proper grammar and spelling also make a big difference. 

Make sure you don’t sound like a robot typing out short and inaccurate sentences. 

Dating should be fun! 

See, a smiley face :)

Smile More

Speaking of smiles, you will be super-cool-tough-guy-man and all, but a wide, genuine smile will open more doors than any pickup line could ever hope to.

Whether you are going into a restaurant, ordering a coffee, or approaching a woman at an event, a big smile with your hello will help to increase comfort and confidence. 

Just don’t be weird about it—she shouldn’t be able to count your teeth while you’re talking to her.

Understand She’s a Human Being Like You

Some men grow up seeing women as creatures from fairy tales or billboards. 

They aren’t taught how to properly interact with, approach, or understand them. 

Ultimately, this leads to a mental separation between the genders, and a complete lack of smoothness when it comes time to actually communicate.

Sometimes, some men speak to women like they are subordinate or less intelligent—stop it.

It doesn’t matter if she’s the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen or the local librarian in your small town—she is a human being just like you, who enjoys being spoken to as an equal. 

Give respect, get respect!


More often, women talk to women about men, and men talk to men about women—but rarely do the two converge for open, honest dialogue. 

The more we actually speak to each other, the more we can increase our respect for each other.

We need to build a bridge between men and women and stop dividing people by gender, race, and religion. 

We are all humans who experience the same feelings and emotions, and the more people you talk to, the more you see how true this is.