Build Your Dreams with Your Self-love. The Importance of Self-love

Perhaps you have never loved yourself if you opened to read this piece of writing. Well, self-love or self-compassion is made up of taking care of your body, needs, ideas, as well as recognizing failures, weak points, strengths, abilities, and staying connected to emotions at the same time. A group of people believes that selflessness is a positive character trait, while self-love is selfish and ego-centered. Indeed, it is good to care for others, however, it should never be done at the expense of your life, health, and well-being. Here self-love matters a lot since it helps one find the right place in life, build dreams, the desired lifestyle, etc. Let’s see how it is possible to be closer to dreams if you put an emphasis on self-love.

You are closer to your dreams if you are less stressed.

Self-care is one component of self-love. If there is no self-love, you will never think you deserve the best life. However, the idea of doing something for me can be very difficult to accept and even challenging to follow. You will definitely take steps and address your burnout if you reduce your stress level. If you are stressed but are not a person with healthy self-love, you will not take time to care for yourself. While if you do, you will lead a stressless life which is a step closer to your desired life.

You are closer to your dreams if you have adopted healthy habits.

According to research, you are health-oriented if you love yourself. Being greatly interested in the future well-being of your health; you make the best health decisions ever. A study shows that people, who strictly criticize themselves, tend to be more inspired to make changes to the better. A good example can be when someone quits smoking, gives up eating fast food, drinking coke, and instead prefers healthy gym workouts. So, self-love may help people develop healthier habits which in turn helps them achieve success.

Read more about workouts and healthy living at Avid Workouts.

You are closer to your dreams if your emotional resilience has been improved.

Desperation and hopelessness visit you every time you appear in a strange situation with tough circumstances. Sometimes, you not only feel broken, but also people surrounding you start blaming you for the challenges and obstacles. When you are blamed by others, you blame yourself, too. Yet, if you know what self-compassion is, you will use it for your sake and counter critical self-talk, negativism, etc. Perhaps it was your fault and it was your mistake, but with self-love you can brace yourself and be ready-steady to learn the true lesson, moving forward to achieve higher peaks. This makes you feel strong and motivated for future problems, building strong emotional resilience. If you have improved your ability to adapt to difficult situations, you will be one step closer to your dreams.

You are closer to your dreams if you are happy and thankful.

There is a direct link between loving yourself and being satisfied with your life. When there is much satisfaction, there is happiness in the air. It is next to impossible to feel happy and satisfied if you regularly throw books at yourself, analyze, and criticize decisions, choices, etc. Self-love, on the contrary, helps you value everything you have and start thinking of yourself as the dearest person ever. If you are constantly annoyed and dissatisfied, you need to acknowledge that no one is perfect, and you can make mistakes as everyone on Earth. However, being imperfect, you still need to consider yourself worthy of support and appreciation. When you are happy and thankful you increase your happiness, which is a sign of building the life of your dreams.

You are closer to your dreams if you have strong and boosted self-confidence.

They say if you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated, while you have won even before you have started if you have confidence. How to get confident? Stop focusing on your error right now! Don’t criticize your behavior! You won’t go far in your dreams with low self-esteem. You need a big portion of self-love that will boost your confidence.

Read more: How to boost self-confidence.

If you start paying enough attention to your skills, keeping yourself calm, and smiling to difficulties when you are frustrated, your confidence will be built so soon. Needless to say, much confidence means great success and a life where dreams come true.

You are closer to your dreams if you know how to achieve the goals and what goals to achieve.

What is the best life lesson provided by self-love? It teaches that your dreams are a priority, and they should be fulfilled if they come to your mind. When you chase your dreams, when you steadily go after what is intended for you and what waits for you, you are not a selfish person. People may confuse you, tell the opposite, but you should not concentrate on criticism and negative thinking. Love yourself unconditionally first and be ready to embrace great success very soon. With self-compassion you will achieve your dreams and live the life you deserve.


You are closer to your dreams if you are successful, determined, and productive.

What kills productivity? Yeap, the action of delaying something - procrastination. If you have crossed the border and already see how the low level of efficiency hinders you, resort to strict or even rude tactics. There are people who need self-punishment as a discipline to take the right path. They need to use threats of punishing themselves to have the task done. Sometimes they need to find something or someone who is a great motivator, energy, or drive. If you put off doing things and it takes place often, develop self-compassion, using the error and failure as a chance to have a clear page in the future. When there is less self-criticism, you will easily make changes in your attitudes. If you have improved your behavior with a great amount of productivity, you will step by step build the life you longed for a long time.