Interesting Facts about Dreams

In our dreams, we always see images and have thoughts, and everything comes to our mind in the form of dreams. The most common dreams are the visual ones, yet it is possible to dream due to senses, too. While some people can dream in color, others dream in black and white. To the question why do we dream, there is no exact explanation. Let’s delve into the article and discover new and unique facts about dreaming.

Dreams are uncontrollable

Dreams and dreaming are out of control, according to the psychology of dreams. Most often people dream during the REM sleep which stands for rapid eye movement. REM happens 90 minutes after you fall asleep. It helps with eye movement, breathing activity, and finally muscle relaxation.

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No reading is possible while dreaming

People cannot read in dreams. Dreaming and reading are two different areas of the brain. For more insight, you should pay attention to two parts of the brain – the Broca’s area, responsible for speech; and the Wernicke’s area, dealing with comprehension, structure and syntax. For coherent speech, the two parts work together, however, the Wernicke’s area shuts down during sleep. A temporary aphasia is developed since reading, writing and speaking become impossible.

As an activity, reading depends on the optic nerve to process written words, that is why it is nearly impossible to read in a dream, so the words that are seen in a dream are in fact projections of subconsciousness. These words do not resemble a real language. Besides, there is no cohesion of thoughts. To conclude, words found in dreams are passively absorbed information while awake that are noticeable due to the subconscious mind when you are sleeping.

Blind people dream

Blind people dream while sleeping, too. This is especially true for those who lost their eyesight after birth. People whose blindness is a birth defect see images or other representations of real objects in their dreams as sighted people do. The imagery type varies a lot due to the fact that the person lost their sight. However, no visuals are seen in the dreams of blind people, they feel some senses and emotions. Their dreams differ from the dreams of sighted people.


There is a sleep disorder which is called sleepwalking. It happens when someone walks while not being conscious. It happens during a deep sleep, in the first hours after falling asleep. More common in children, this sleep disorder can be potentially dangerous. A person usually sits up in bed in a confused state. Another person suffering from the disorder may walk in the bedroom, put on clothes, or go out to the street. The eyes are open, and the person looks straight at people without recognizing them. They tend not to respond or say words and phrases that do not make sense. In the morning, the sleepwalker does not remember anything.

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Memories of most dreams disappear

Have you noticed that you forget dreams within 5 minutes after waking up? Generally, people tend to forget nearly all dreams as soon as they wake up. The disability of memorizing dreams is attributed to neurochemical reactions in the brain that take place when you are in the phase of a rapid sleep. The most interest-evoking interpretation on this procedure is that there is a lack of the norepinephrine hormone in the cerebral cortex. This part of the brain has a crucial role in thoughts, language, consciousness, and memory.

Old faces visit you in new dreams

While sleeping, your mind does not invent new faces. In your dreams, you see already known faces; these are faces of real people that had their role in your life. However, most probably you don’t remember those people or you recall them with great difficulty. The faces you saw in your lives are more than thousands, that is to say you have a big supply of new faces and new characters for your mind. Every time your brain chooses a person from your past, albeit you might think you have never met the stranger of your dreams.

Dreams are solutions to your problems

According to psychologists, your problems can be solved during sleeping hours. This may occur when you have math tasks, science experiments or another home task to do and you fall asleep. While you are sleeping, you get the dream, and the pending works come to their logical end due to dreams.

6 dreams per night

People do not dream in the same way. Nevertheless, on average, sleeping people dream up to two hours per night. During these two hours the maximum number of dreams is six. If you think that you dream more it is probably because you don’t feel the connection between the dreams. Also, you fail to remember how you went from the first one to the second.

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