Some Types of Spiritual Gifts that We Need to Know  

Have you ever wondered whether you have psychic abilities or an access to them? Thousands of people navigate their lives without realizing that they might have unique spiritual gifts such as psychic abilities. Some of you don’t believe these abilities, and perhaps it’s because of fake psychics, liars, and scammers who are grabbing money and misleading the people into the dark tunnel. However, masters provide accurate predictions based on perceptions that come due to well-developed and sharpened psychic abilities.

Before identifying the spiritual gifts, everyone needs to go through the classifications. This article is a little guidance to the main types of psychic abilities that can support yourself and the people in your circle. Also, it is helpful information for learning how to access your psychic powers.


Have you ever thought that you can utilize your “sixth sense”, so to say. Yes, some people develop their skills and unravel new psychic abilities such as the clairalience which is the act of experiencing the scent of places where you have never been before. If you want to realize whether you have the ability or not, you need to recall a situation, venue, event, place where you have very randomly felt the scent that cannot be correlated with the current environment. That will definitely make you reconsider the facts and see if you are a psychic are not. Be attentive and if this occurs often, most probably you are gifted with this psychic ability. Let’s not forget that thousands of people can think of someone or something and feel its scent. All you need is to develop the sense, paying enough attention to the important object in your thoughts and step by step focus on it. It is advised to get rid of all distractions, concentrating on what you feel through your nostrils.


At least once in a lifetime you have had the feeling that you know the right answer or the correct solution without having any logical explanation for your decision. Some like to call it “gut feeling”, others use the word “intuition, and there is a group of people who know that it is a super ability, called claircognizance. At the moment of finding a solution, or guessing the right answer, you might have told yourself “Am I psychic?” Some people experience this feeling very often, and they know quite well that they are never led in the wrong direction if they rely on their inner voice. These people are probably the gifted ones, and they should pay attention to that fact by all means. If it’s true about you, then you don’t need to waste time, and instead it will be better to enhance claircognizance with the help of meditation. After focusing on it for a longer time, you will sense more information.


These long and unusual words are difficult at first sight… However, we need to learn about them, and perhaps we may unravel new and hidden traits and abilities inside us. The next one that comes to people as a spiritual gift is called clairvoyance which is the ability of seeing visions. This is very typical to heroes in movies who have such powers. How to know whether you are psychic or not? It’s very much possible that you possess this ability if subconsciously you are aware of the information or events, while there is no way of knowing without visions. More often you find yourself or others experiencing extraordinary and strange episodes, very memorable dreams that soon turn to be an episode from our real life. Dreams can turn out to be true and real, and this is the brightest example of clairvoyance. Dreams and visions are hints and insights telling one about the future or past events. These perceptions don’t usually occur with ordinary people. As soon as you identify that you are gifted with this powerful spiritual ability, try to develop it, and one way can be the usage of a dream notebook or journal for keeping the best records. Another brilliant method is to activate your mind, to sharpen your mind’s eye due to which you can visualize it easily and clearly which in turn is good for memorizing dreams accurately.

Hurry up to boost your spiritual gifts with the help of the intuitive masterminds on Avid Advice. Psychic Advisors like Persian Medium are talented and knowledgeable readers online, ready to help you identify your psychic abilities and hidden spiritual gifts.


Aura can be perceived by those who have the ability to read or sense someone’s distinctive energy. However, before going deep into aura reading, let’s see how the word aura is defined. Well, aura is the unique atmosphere or quality that seemingly surrounds someone or can be generated by not only people, but also places and things.  Being the supposed emanation around the body of a creature, aura is considered as one of the essential parts of the individual. Both people and psychics believe that everyone has an own aura. It depends on a specific case, whether someone’s aura glows or it is unclear and vague. To most people, aura is not visible enough, while some gifted people who can read auras easily tell the color and associations of a person’s aura. Those who are already experienced aura readers and access psychic abilities can easily clarify and comment on the person’s character taking into account the specifications of the aura. Sometimes, psychics use aura reading to find people who need help and support in the form of spiritual guidance. Even if they are in front of a crowd, they point out the people who want to get some spiritual guidance very much.


Finally, the psychic work goes hand in hand with the ability to heal a person’s energy which is the primary characteristic of the work. In today’s society, it is sometimes utilized as an alternative medical means. Only experienced psychic readers are allowed to conduct the procedure since they have an excess of life force. In Eastern culture, it is even considered as a contemporary method of spiritual healing. Especially when people experience something tragic or go through tough circumstances, the need for healers multiplies.

A word from Avid

Lots of people among us can hear, see, sense, or feel things that are out of the physical world. It is not an easy thing to do, but as soon as you identify your strong points, and focus on them, that are known as spiritual gifts, you will enhance and deepen them in your everyday practice.

Hopefully, the article gives you some basic knowledge about the main types of spiritual gifts that can be used to easily identify the hidden traits of your mind and learn how and why to access your psychic abilities.