The Similarities and Differences between Tarot and Astrology

Purpose of a Tarot Reading

Sometimes people find themselves helpless and in great need of getting support. While a group of people does not believe in Tarot reading, a huge number of curious people consult the Tarot to get advice for a specific situation, ask for universal guidance concerning the main goal of their life or simply because they want to know what comes in one or two months. 

As a tool capable of making people’s lives easier, Tarot reading serves as a bridge between people who live on Earth and universal energy. Through the reading they get messages due to the cards, also they are revealed if the Tarot reader is experienced enough to find the intuitive hits.

People become more empowered and inspired after connecting with their underlying thoughts and hidden feelings - Tarot gives them this chance.

There is a fake stereotype that the Tarot reading is for knowing what will happen in the future. The truth is that it gives people a sense of who they are, what their missions are, what they need to focus on and what abilities they should use or improve. It’s for finding ways to be later able to deal with anything that is going to happen in the future.

Purpose of Astrology

First and foremost, the main purpose of astrology is to help people find the purpose of their life. It aims at bridging you to your true self on a deeper level. Among the benefits Astrology brings into your life is that people can learn their strong and weak points that will lead to live the best of their life with much success in all their performances. 

Besides, due to astrology, people can get a thorough look into how they are in relationships disclosing their remarkable personality traits and styles of communication.

Different aspects of life are influenced, and it becomes far easier for people to encounter situations with more preparedness and confidence. Overall, astrology is a perfect opportunity to deeply understand who you are and what you want.

The Similarities Between Tarot Reading and Astrology

First, let’s see what similarities Tarot reading and astrology have. Both are mighty tools with a spiritual overlay that helps get insights into the past, present, and future. While they differ greatly on a technical level, in both cases, the querent gets insight on personal development. They give precious advice on how to handle tough circumstances that come into your path, preparing you for the life journey. Though they are totally different practices, they are used to give answers to some questions such as who you are and what you need to learn to see your life goals accomplished.

The Difference Between Tarot Reading and Astrology

By this moment we discussed their common traits. We underlined that they serve the same goal of getting insight about your life. Here, it’s worth mentioning that the most significant difference is that while Tarot uses cards, planets are used for Astrology. The two readings are developed and interpreted in different ways.

Tarot readers and psychics rely on their inner voice and intuition interpreting the layout of cards. Here the querent just reads what is visible and what is sent from the spirit world or universe. What is read through cards can be more personal as a result of intuition.

Astrology calculations have been done for millennia, and a slew of planetary positions and patterns have been studied to create what is now known as astrological forecast. The secret is the cycles and patterns found in the sky are connected to patterns that are met in human behaviors.

To wind up, while Tarot reading is used to give answers to questions, Astrology, as a kind of a guidebook, aims at giving you advice for the different situations in your life. Answers provided by astrology remain the same based on the forecast, while those provided by Tarot reading are changing continuously.

Final Thoughts

Overall, both are extremely powerful ways to gain information on who you are and what you should do to fulfill your life purpose, and they can both serve you better than using only one of them.

Tarot readings and Astrology are helping tools with an intention to help people make better life decisions and offer true guidance on how to behave in specific situations. Whether it is a card reading or a planet position, you need an experienced specialist who will do the utmost to help you find your place in life.

Turn to Dr. Fia Johannson, and learn what you can do for your present and future. She has helped thousands of people identify personal roadblocks to help them truly believe in their own path to success, whatever that dream may be.

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