Got Conflict? Seek Resolution with a Star David Reading

The Star of David alignment indicates the problems of the past that led to the situation that now confronts the questioner. As a result, a person learns what he can take out of a given situation and what awaits him.


It will reveal what is the cause for your troubles, possible developments of the situation and determine a final, specific outcome, given you allow your intuition to take the lead. Our free tarot reading offers you to draw six cards and in return it will expose the secrets of the future.


-The questioner should think about the situation that worries him, and draw out six cards in turn. 


-The last - the seventh card - indicates the outcome of the situation.

-This alignment has an ancient origin. Its shape is based on the Star of David: it consists of two triangles, where one inverted is superimposed on the other.

-The Star of David tarot spread is known to provide detailed description of a person's current life situation and, through the cards' wisdom, it can help you overcome problems you're struggling with. This reading is also called The Shield of David.




Nowadays there are many different types of Tarot cards on the market which were prepared with different methods and artistic processes. But it is important to state that whatever kind of Tarot deck we choose, the meaning of the cards of the Major Arcana must be the same, regardless of the pictures which decorate any particular card.