The Mandala Tarot: What it is and How it Can Work

- The mandala is a symbolic representation of the world of salvation. Turning to cards for help, we want to look into our future, which does not always turn out to be what we expect. Mandala Tarot is one of the tools with which it is possible to adjust the perspectives of life.

- CG Jung viewed the mandala as "the archetypal symbol of human perfection." Changing thoughts, character and actions, it becomes possible "to achieve the full understanding of their own" I ". Jung came to this conclusion after 6 years of searching for the truth in his unconscious mind. Spontaneously drawing mandalas every day, each of which expressed his state, he realized that a change in the mental state changes the mandala and what it represents "the formation, transformation, re-creation of the eternal Mind." Moreover, the mandala itself was the center of all the paths of choice.

What is a tarot mandala?

• Mandala is an image of the Universe, with the help of which, during meditation or other rituals, one can achieve a certain mental state that promotes concentration. Thus, gaining access to the subconscious, a certain adjustment of consciousness occurs, which contributes to the discovery of various human abilities.

• Mandalas are used for energetic harmonization, awareness of various things and events that defy logic, correction of mental processes and achieving the desired. Such meditations act as a healing way of changing reality and are now gaining more and more popularity.

• Mandala Tarot is a certain picture of one or more Tarot cards of the Minor or Major Arcana. It is possible to use several decks to enhance the effect. It can have a circular shape with inscribed squares and triangles in a certain symmetry.

Does the tarot mandala actually work?

• In the Tarot mandala, we can not only visualize desire at the level of consciousness, but also connect our unconsciousness to the process of implementing our plans.

• Meditation with the tarot mandala is very simple, but it can have an enormous effect. You can do it anywhere and at the time that suits you, spending at least a few minutes a day.

• You just need to relax and begin to study the picture, visually moving from the edges to the center in a clockwise direction. Having reached it, observe your inner sensations without taking your eyes off the mandala. At this moment, two mechanisms are launched - on the physical level and on the energy level.


• Neural connections are formed between the symbols and the conceived event, transmitting the impulse to the body to unconsciously search for embodiment in the open channel of the egregor. Thus, by interacting at the level of energies inherent in the Tarot mandala, you can change your life.