Do Soulmates Exist?


I just finished my dating profile manifesto after a few weeks of thinking about my past breakups and actively imagining the future potential. It felt great to have a definite direction of what I was looking for in my love life. So I used all this work to make draw up a manifesto to use across my dating profiles. I want the language that will attract the right person (if they look past my pictures). Someone wise once taught me that best route to creation is through declaration. So here is my statement: 

"I am a beautiful manifesting machine and can produce amazing results with lots of love. Looking for someone with the same great skills and has an anything is possible attitude. I am looking for a deep connection. This may or may not have to do with sex, but absolutely has to do with energy. If you understand what I am saying, let’s talk." 

I was in Manhattan Beach meeting one of my amazing girlfriends from graduate school when I had just completed this declaration. We had a conversation about life and where we were at the moment. I spilled some information about my documentary work, my manifesto and the newest project I was working on "30 Dates in 30 Days." She was super excited about it all and said she wanted to know more as my journey progressed. She was sure other women would too, which then spurred the idea that I should soak up the sunshine and take a walk along the coastline to Hermosa Beach (better known as the younger cheaper version of Manhattan beach). I was feeling my girly vibes and wanted to find some cool ladies to talk to about my idea and gain some perspective. 

I was feeling great! I had a strong vision of what I wanted in a partner and I had just reconnected with someone I love and appreciate...I had so much energy!  {Plus, I had these blue throat chakra treatment glasses on that made me all chatty.} I strutted into Slaters a restaurant/bar that was an old hangout for me and found two beautiful women on the corner of the bar and sat next to them. I was on a roll and just dove in with my questions and it slowly turned into a socially awkward situation. I knew what I was doing, but these ladies were not here for my mission,  it became apparent as I continued to communicate and eventually stopped talking and it got real silent for me. 

And then I spoke to the guy that was next to me. I glanced at him once when I first came in, but he was pretty distant to me since I did not feel he would want to talk about my project, he was super cute and had this graceful disposition about him. He was gentle and yet stern with his response when I asked  about how I could have reframed my interaction with the ladies, he communicated ideas that made sense to me and I knew that his advice would not only work, it was beautiful. We then continued to have one of the deepest and engaging conversations I have ever had in such a quick time. I just got lost in the back and forth and it just flowed. As we continued to talk he shared very little with me about himself but the cords of what I was looking for in my manifesto started to ring through his energy. I felt an emotional and spiritual connection to this person that was more meaningful than most of my everyday interactions. I took several double takes, I could not believe it, I had not even begun my journey and I may have already met someone that would be a wonderful partner for me. It just fell in front of my lap, he was there right in front of me. The dating apps quickly became gross leftovers when I sat next to this handsome and emotionally brilliant man. When we separated ways, the sky broke opened up with rain and lighting that danced across the sky…I was left with a lot of questions and a sea of doubt for my steps going forward. 

Do I continue the project? Why would I? Should I just let myself step into the bliss and try a realtionship with this person 100%. Is this not why I was starting this project in the first place? It made me question the significance of what I am doing? What was I doing? Am I respectful of people as I approach this process in a sceintific way?  Are there other people that can be just as wonderful as this person? Is there a such thing as only one soulmate? Or is it a continuous flow of people who are in and out of your life? 

I would be disappointed in myself if I only half way tried with this person, but what is the reality behind meeting a soul connection? So I reached out to Sara, an intuitive guide that has such great perspective and has worked for years as a therapist resolving questions like this. See the interview here:

Sara also mentioned that if she had more time during the interview, she would have suggested that it is essential to see who is in front of you now and to participate in those relationships to their fullest while you can. We can't get too wrapped up into what the future might be. This brings me to my final point. This amazing person feels right now, but I can only let what is happening now rule my heart.  So if the passion fades and the text become scarce, it will be the signals that I need to see reality. I may have this amazing memory of the person and even a beautifully imagined future, but I must ground myself in the now and stop the patterns of illusion that have haunted me in the past.