Posts in Sex & Dating
Everything You Need to Know about Online Sex Therapy

Nowadays, in-person sex therapies are very often replaced with online sex therapies. They have the same function as traditional sex therapies, psychological ones that target sexual health and use online chats and video calls as a means of communication. In the conducted sex therapy sessions, you can expect discussions concerning sex life and related issues that make you turn to a sex therapist for a professional and specialized help.

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Done With Dating

I am burned out. My last date went straight from a sound healing ceremony to a major make out session. I tried my best to set a healthy environment that did not send sexual enuendos, but I think this date may have had an agenda that was established outside of my own accord. I really want to get to know who these people are before we rush into any intimacy and I don’t get how it is so easy for people to become so vulnerable so quickly.

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