Extreme Sexuality and Extreme Spirituality

In light of the #metoo movement, there is a new way that our modern times have been forming our conversations, interactions we have with each other, the people we choose to hang out with and even the way we dress. And unknowingly, two major topics have been slowly colliding together right in front of our eyes. Sex and Spirituality. The duality between the two topics are at their ultimate high, and the middle ground for both topics have taken a hard right and left. For example, you can find a devout Catholic family of six in Irvine California, strictly monogamous and sexually conservative, anti-feminist and supporters of men who have been wrongly accused of rape. Compared to a Wiccan, permaculture family of four in San Francisco California, polyamorous, sex-positive, gender rights activists who support providing health resources for sex reassignments. Both amazing families who share the same great state of California but have their foot in two different extremes. Extremes can create isolation, pain, and suffering and opportunities for growth. 

We will be starting a new series that will focus on these conversations and uncover the joy, passion, and creation that can result from the collision of talks around sex and spirituality. We will offer some metaphysical alternatives, new philosophies and examples of new approaches to the traditional notion of realism that we have within these two topics in the hopes to help heal many of us who are stuck between the extremes.