Intuitive Sexual Touch

"Sexual energy is not opposed to spiritual energy. In fact they have the same source. But you want your spiritual intelligence to guide and lovingly direct your sexual instincts, rather than have your unconscious instincts guide your thought and behavior." ~ Deepak Chopra. 

So many of us are looking to connect deeper than just on the physical level. Sexual connection is important, but many of us are left without instructions of how to do it precisely in a spiritual way. What does it mean to be spiritual and sexual? A good girlfriend described one of her experiences most recently after a tantric sex education class that explained it well. In one of the exercises, she was matched up with a partner who was blindfolded and instructed to give a loving touch. The partner’s job, no matter how tempting, is to just receive. They are not allowed to respond. Each partner takes a turn, but the dynamics are set up to allow you to feel your body and intuitively understand how your partner is approaching your energy. This is spirituality. When you flow with your energy and are conscious about how others interact with you on an energetic level, you can optimize these interactions to increase energy usage, connection, and intensity. This is just one example of many that we will continue to use in the discussion around sex and spirituality. Share with us if you have examples that can help with us understand how you can connect your sexuality and spirituality.