Overcoming Sexual Fear with Meditation

So many of us have tried some form of meditation, many times not even being aware of it. For example, writing in a journal is a form of meditation. Meditation is essentially a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing their mind on a particular object, thought or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. What many of us may have not tried, is using meditation to overcome sexual inhibitions, fears and optimize future experiences. 

Sexual fears are common and left untreated can be devastating and may lead sufferers to avoid not only romantic relationships but also other forms of intimate contact.

People who have been through major traumas have a higher risk of developing anxiety disorders, while those who have been through psychological or emotional abuse may be more likely to develop intimacy or vulnerability-related fears. Meditation can help  overcome some of these issues and here is how: 

Meditation moves you out of fight or flight and into stay and play. Within a few days of starting a meditation practice adrenaline and cortisol levels drop. Your brain will start producing more dopamine and serotonin which are bliss chemicals. 

Meditation increases mirror neuron function. This fact, coupled with the fact that you'll be more relaxed and present, will probably mean you will be far more intuitive and generous partner.

To get you started we have put together a simple meditation that you can use to be more aware of your body, connected and in-tune with your sexual energy.