Intuitive Astrology Midway Forecast for August

Now that Uranus has gone retrograde in the sign of Taurus until January 2020, the effects will be subtle, though this energy will be guided to reflect on where we need to become more independent and where we need to be more open when it comes to asking for help.

Beginning on August 15, we have the Aquarius Full Moon that carries a similar theme of independence and resilience.

So where do you need to assert yourself and your independence? What are the things from which you need to free yourself? And at what point will you find that you need to allow yourself to gently surrender and ask others to help lighten the load we have been carrying?

The Full moon may stir within you the need to ask and answer these kinds of questions, but you’ll still find that it is much brighter and calmer of an energy that what was experienced in July.

On August 23rd, we bid farewell to our beautiful Leo Season and say hello to Virgo Season. This is a Season for health, for healing, and for reflection, it is a season to focus on creating a routine that is both productive yet rooted in self-care.

Out of fiery Leo and into earthy Virgo, we will also feel inspired to ground our energy and to spend time connecting to Mother Nature.

On August 24th, Mars and Venus will connect. The two celestial lovers are quite busy all through the month but will share a quick kiss before parting ways until they meet again in 2021. This romantic energy will help activate soulmate and twin flame contracts and help us all to awaken our own hearts.

Finally, the month wraps up the way it began, with another New Moon, this time in the sign of Virgo.

This August 30th Virgo New Moon is our last gift for the month and another reminder that it’s time to focus on the fresh new energy that the Universe is offering up.

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