Clearing Your Cloudy Vibration with Reiki

No matter how enlightened and actualized you are, you’re probably no stranger to those moments where the static builds up and begins to block your vibration. Often when this happens, we may say it’s because we’re off our normal routine. Maybe our sleep is off or we’re not eating well. For those of us who are a bit more in-tune, we recognize that this is often due to that accumulation of negative energy that blocks one of our chakras and in turn, our vibrational frequency. So what to do?

The answer, of course, is good ol’ Reiki.

Reiki, for the uninitiated, is the incredible practice of channeling energy in certain directions. Basically, it can be defined as the same energy that is channeled when someone is karate kicking a piece of hardwood in half or punching through a concrete block. Reiki is the energy that is ever existent in everything around us, and it carries the blueprints of creation that allow a person to grow into the shape of a human or a sycamore tree into exactly that.

When Blocked Chakras Cloud Your Energy Flow

The mechanics of Reiki are not an easy thing to explain to many, as it is especially difficult to describe as it is felt and not seen. What one experiences in terms of sensation may include heat, pressure, tingling, twitching of the muscles, or similar sensations. Even when a Reiki master or practitioner does not apply their hands to the recipients body, the energy can be so noticeable that a person can sense where the hands are above their body. For those who are familiar with the art, it is hard to deny that there is a clear energy exchange when using the Reiki modality.

When it comes to one’s chakras, they are basically like your body’s stoplights on their highway of energy. If the traffic is jammed along your spiritual route, then there are backups and build ups. These blockages end up causing issues depending on where in the body they are heaviest. For example, negative emotions like fear, anger, guilt, jealousy, loneliness, and sadness are the traffic ‘cloggers’ of your energetic roads. If one doesn’t release these negative emotions, your body struggles to function harmoniously; thus, your energy becomes murky and slow, like a traffic jam.

How Energy Blocks are Cleared with Reiki

Similar to a traffic controller directing cars on the road, Reiki is like a jolt to the system that begins pushing energy to the right place. Not only does it help blocked energy begin to flow, but it also allows your body a moment to heal from the release of the pent up negativity. As the recipient of Reiki, all you need to do during your session is relax to the best of your ability. A skilled practitioner will be able to sense where there are blockages in someone’s body, as their training requires them to find the source of cloudiness and remove it.

Some interesting aspects of Reiki sessions is that when you do sense that jolt of energy, you may get glimpses of that which has been clouding your mind or spirit, sometimes causing breakdowns like crying. Because the negativity is basically shut away or trapped deep down, practitioners often get similar glimpses, which can be an intense experience for both people involved.

After a Reiki session, you will feel clearer almost right away. Oftentimes people will report that before a session, they felt cloudy and sluggish, but ended up walking out much more bright, cheerful, and even confident. Our auras also carry a lot of energy that we accumulate from the space we are in or people around. Stress, worry, doubt, or fearful thoughts cause our aura to cloud, making us feel more tired and foggy.

When the practitioner works on recharging your aura, you’ll feel back to normal and even better than average because your aura will expand. This, in turn, allows you to elevate to a higher vibration. Vibrating at a higher frequency allows you to perceive in a clearer fashion, communicate powerfully, and manifest your desires.

Making the Most out of Your Reiki

After you’ve had your Reiki session, you should be prepared to take a week of rest. If you feel tired, your body is continuing to process the energy that the practitioner began chipping away from your spiritual walls. Think of it as your body needs time to flush the negativity out fully after it’s been chiseled away. Eat well, stay hydrated, and meditate in order to keep your mind and soul grounded and stable after such a strong release of emotions and toxic energies. If you feel strong emotions seemingly out of nowhere, know it’s a good thing!

For most of us, we need tools to help us maintain our energy balances on a day-to-day basis, as our energy is constantly in shift. In order to connect to your own intuition about why you’re feeling a certain way, you can use our first-time customer promotion on Avid Advice, the only community of intuitive practitioners that work with VIP and celebrities around the world. Use this promotional offer to help you tap into your own wisdom held by your soul.

If you’ve felt blocked or stagnant, it’s likely that your energy actually is, and it’s a great time to gift yourself some Reiki. It feels like an energetic hug from the Universe, and could be the missing link in manifesting your goal or finally healing.