All  You Need to Know about Pisces Season

Think, contemplate, and dream - this is what you do by the time Aquarius season comes to its end. Being visionary, however, is not easy since you can get exhausted! Now you will stop pondering and considering the facts since it’s time to feel.

Each Zodiac sign is based on and learns from the previous sign, Coming after Aquarius, Pisces tells you to forget about uniqueness and recognize that you are in constant physical and emotional interaction with others.

So, at the tail end of winter, from Feb. 18 to Mar. 20., our energy is shifted from intellectualism of Aquarius toward spirituality. 

Click here to read more about Aquarius.

The final sign is symbolized by two fish, and each swims in an opposite direction, and this contrast represents the division of Pisces's attention between real life and fantasy. Pisces have supernatural intuition and unparalleled spiritual outlook. As the last constellation of the zodiac, the sign incorporates lessons of all preceding signs.

Pisces is a water sign, and water is the element of feeling and intuition. They are emotion-oriented, believing with heart and kindness, and practicalities, details, and material world is not their cup of tea. Like all other water signs, Pisces feels everything deeply. Joy, fatigue and anger can equally trigger tears. Even some stereotypical astrology memes depict Pisces crying all the time.

People born in Pisces season: 

  • often pursue unrealistic objectives

  • greatly value their friends and family

  • have innate talents and skills

  • make easy-going colleagues

  • tend to be fantastic dreamers and poetry-addict

  • love being creative and imaginative


Sensibility and abundance of emotions make Pisces the sign for which it is the hardest to plan, discuss, and negotiate. In such a situation, the people born under this Zodiac sign are advised to create something, for example write poems, listen to music or watch a motivational movie. The time spent with friends and soulmates can be a perfect remedy for Pisces. If the mentioned heart healing therapies don’t serve the purposeIf, and you still need a release, gift yourself with a deep cry. After a long astrological year, it’s time for care, self-pity, and prudence.

A word from Astrologers

Don’t hurry up to underestimate this water sign as it has nothing to do with being watered down. In this season, you are taught new methods and possible ways to face the world and make yourself stronger and wiser than ever.