7 Tips to Control Emotions and Be Successful in Decision Making

Our brain incessantly interprets what is going on around us. This process goes through memories, beliefs and thoughts, and in this period, emotions are being created. As an essential part of the human experience, emotions can be both beneficial and harmful drivers in decision making. Sometimes we have to make important decisions, such as business decisions, decisions related to health, education, etc., and emotions don’t let us concentrate on the pros and cons to better consider the preconditions and assess the situation. This article breaks down 7 possible answers and solutions of handling the difficult moment of controlling emotions and making correct decisions. 

1.                    Hit the button PAUSE

The moment you are emotional, your body signals that something needs more attention. You are supposed to get curious for a while and see what is going on. If you pause for some second and ask yourself what is happening, you will be sober enough to make a correct decision. So, finding courage and being sincere will help you control the situation and for sure, you will benefit a lot.

2.          Balance Your Emotions

On spot emotional reactions never pay dividends since lots of variables are overlooked because of your anxious and emotional state. It’s advisable to give yourself more time to reflect and consider, weigh up the pros and cons and think about what could go wrong in case of this or that decision. Balancing the emotions and being clear-headed will help you make more effective decisions.

3.          Rely on your gut feeling

For a group of people the best way to make a decision is not to be hardworking and analyze the strong and weak points of the problem. Nor do they like to turn to experienced people who went through a similar question. On the contrary, they think it is good to go hand in hand with your gut feeling and rely on intuition. They believe that the subconscious mind gathers all your knowledge and background information and creates a feeling that will never lead you in the wrong direction. 

4.          Take your time

Emotions and decision making are in close association, and here time and timing are a  key element. If you want to be successful you should learn to permit your emotions to have their say, and later you will find time to ponder over them. You ought to listen to your emotions if they are closely related to the core values that are essential in your correct behavior and advantageous decision making. The only thing you should avoid is skip the moment when you are at the top of emotiveness and make up your mind some minutes or hours later. You need to be ready to give your cognitive side time to weigh in, and later you can decide.

5.          Ensure emotional stability

Experts say that you need to increase your awareness of all pessimist emotions that you experience. Thoughts like I’m going to fail, that’s not my cup of tea, I feel there will be no success, I look stupid or ashamed…, will hinder you. They have nothing to do with effective decision making and never serve your progress. Remember that the best decisions come when you are emotionally stable both with your heart and mind.

6.          Consider the facts

Let’s keep in mind that emotions are not facts but feelings we experience. We always feel something, be it good or not, pleasant or not, but we should never let them overpower and take control of the situation. If you are lost and for a while you don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel, take a deep breath and assess the facts when you feel you are alert enough.  

Read more about how to feel less tired and more alert during the day here.

Don’t assess them when you are excessively emotional as true and effective decisions never occur when you are in a heightened emotionalized state.

7.          Choose to allow it to occur

You don’t want to let the emotions overpower in your decision making but you want it or not emotions do factor into all your decisions.  An Avid expert encourages you to be aware of what emotions you wish to influence your mind and actions. Instead of letting it just occur, make it a choice and you’ll see the successful results.



These seven tips are all hints for honoring and respecting the emotions. The article teaches you how to deal with emotions and what to do when you are in an overemotional state. Dr. Fia Johansson believes that emotions and decisions work together, and your role is limited to keeping the proper balance between them trying to involve emotiveness in the decision-making process but at the same time never letting emotions take possession of the situation. Turn to  Dr. Fia Johansson for help, should you have questions concerning successful and effective decision making or a problem with controlling emotions.