Astrology As a New Therapy

In this article, we’re going to discuss astrology as a new therapy but first, let’s discuss traditional therapy.

Therapy is for everyone regardless of whether they have an immediate issue or not.

It is not meant to only fix what is broken. It’s preventive medicine.

1. What is CBT?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic approach that involves exploring the relationship between your thoughts and your behaviors.

It is an effective treatment for a variety of disorders, including:

  • anxiety disorders

  • depression

  • bipolar disorder

  • eating disorders

  • schizophrenia

  • trauma-related disorders

2. What about DBT?

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) focuses more on regulating emotions and being mindful. 

It’s a suggested form of therapy for substance abuse that originated out of treating Borderline Personality Disorders.

3. The Pandemic Effect on Therapy

The pandemic has increased the need for mental health treatment.

The conversation around mental wellness became louder and more inclusive during the pandemic. 

Isolation, job loss, being stuck at home with family members, fear, anxiety, the list goes on.

Many therapists had to close their doors during the pandemic as the transition to offering telehealth services was not conducive to their practice.

Many clinics and treatment centers are also full and turning people away.

The truth is, we possibly all need some form of therapy right now.

4. The Argument for Astrology over Therapy

We can also safely say that we live in an age where our society is becoming more open to conversations that make us uncomfortable. 

In the past, if someone asked your astrological sign you might think they were some kind of whacked-out hippy-dippy person that needed to come down from the clouds and get grounded in real life.

Ancient civilizations have been practicing astrology for centuries. 

Astrology is a study of how the sun, stars, and planets influence our lives.

Which, if you think about that statement, and think about the fact that we live on a giant floating rock as it orbits the sun in a small galaxy amongst billions of other unknown galaxies and stars and moons and suns, is it that implausible to believe that we tiny humans are affected by their placement?

Our physical bodies are made up of 60 percent water, is it impossible that the moon which controls the tides does not influence our bodies?

5. Different Forms of Astrology

There are different types of astrology or separate definitions for Mundane, Interrogatory, and Natal:

  • Mundane Astrology — is used to examine world events, make predictions about national issues such as wars and economic happenings.

  • Interrogatory Astrology — can be further subdivided, but refers to astrology as it seeks to make specific predictions or analyses about objectives or events within the person's life.

  • Natal Astrology — is more familiar to what most people think of when they think of astrology. It seeks to analyze and make predictions based on the date of a person’s birth.


Do I think that my astrologer replaces my need for CBT and DBT therapy? Possibly, yes. 

Do I suggest you drop therapy and start booking appointments with astrologers? Yes and no. I think you should give astrology a shot and in combination with therapy.

To get some answers that you seek and find a benefit to learning about your cosmic destiny, you can always call or chat with an astrologer on Avid Advice

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